IN Canon-Mac Fall 2016 | Page 60

Canon-Mac Spotlight: Recognizing CM Community Members Who Go ABOVE AND BEYOND We wanted to put the spotlight on the members of the Canon-McMillan community who go above and beyond. Congratulations are in order for: H Dr. Mark Abbondanza and H anon-Mac C A NO N- MAC S C HOO L D IS TRI C T N E WS H Gretchen Haddox of North Strabane Intermediate, who co-wrote an article published in the May edition of Administrator Magazine. Canon-McMillan High School senior Jordan Smith, who was recently recognized as a WPIAL Scholar-Athlete. The WPIAL Scholar-Athlete Program recognizes well-rounded male and female student-athletes who will graduate in 2016 and have been outstanding in the areas of athletic achievement, academic excellence and school/community service. Jordan, one of just 20 athletes to be honored, received a $1,000 scholarship to be used at the college of his choice and a commemorative plaque at a recent banquet. The CM Robotics teams, which are ranked 13th and 26th nationally out of 63 teams after competing on Saturday H H H May 21, 2016 in the National Robotics League (NRL) national competition held this year at California University of PA. The students competed against both high school and college teams from across the US and Puerto Rico. Congratulations to the Mr. Nickovich and his Robotics teams for all of their dedication and hard work. Congratulations to CMHS student Carrie McClain for being nominated for The Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders in Boston, where she will serve as a delegate June 29 July 1. Canonsburg Middle School, which received a 2016 Educational Leadership Award from Junior Achievement of Western Pennsylvania. The Education Leadership Award is given to recognize schools that have a majority of the student population participate in Junior H Achievement programs during the school year. Junior Achievement is an education organization involved in teaching young people concepts of entrepreneurship, work readiness, and financial literacy. CMS, which has been in partnership with the Washington & Jefferson College Education Department, whose students intern in CMS eighth-grade social studies classes and teach the JA curriculum, which includes basic lessons in business, economics, finance, etc. to prepare them to succeed in a global economy. The following teachers, who presented at the Washington County Literacy Workshop, Aug. 2 and 3: Makenzie Buhman, Struggling Readers and Multi-Sensory Reading: Who, What, How, and Why; Lauren Ihrig and Lindsay Fiscus, Integrating Technology and Learning Centers into Reading Instruction; Charlene Rinehart and Grace Lani, Setting Up and Managing a Math Workshop in your Classroom; and Amy Dulaney and Michael Zimmerman, Successful Centers in the Upper Grades. Big Mac Track Now Open! The long-awaited re-opening of Canon-McMillan School District’s track happened in late July. Members of the community may again enjoy taking a walk or jog there! 58 Canon-Mac