IN Brentwood-Baldwin-Whitehall Spring 2020 | Page 47

A summary of the Proposed 2020 General Fund Expenditures are presented on the Table below. General Fund Expenditures As with 2020 Revenues, General Fund Expenditures will also be decreasing from $9,033,900 million to $8,895,000 million. The primary reason for the slight decrease in expenditures was on account of lower beginning balance forecasted for 2020 as well as significant budget cuts to certain areas of the budget. The Borough was able to hold the line on Employee Costs due to improved operations and cuts in other Department line items. However, due to maintenance of older facilities and an older community, the Borough saw some of their largest increases in such departments such as Administration (13%), Police (7%), Planning and Zoning (9%), Public Works (6%), Recreation (18%), Park (42%) associated with park amenities, Stadium (8%), and Economic Development (136%) due to possibly outsourcing retail development. However, most of these department increases are associated with employee contractual obligations/salaries and the increases to healthcare insurance. Brentwood Volunteer Fire Department and the Brentwood EMS total expenditures will not increase from 2019 levels. The Borough’s Long-Term Debt Principal and Interest Payments in 2020 will actually see a slight decrease of (-18%) from 2019 levels. This equates to a total debt principal and interest payment of $825,000 which is $146,000 LESS than 2019. This does NOT include a Tax Anticipation Note. The Borough’s Pension obligations will increase once again going from by $108,000 in 2019 to $112,000 in order to meet the Borough’s Minimum Municipal Obligation (MMO). The primary goal of this budget is to reduce spending without reducing any services to the residents. However, there are associated costs of “doing business.” We must make sure we expend such costs in the most prudent and efficient manner. I believe this budget clearly demonstrates this principle. Have a great Spring!!! George Zboyovsky, PE Borough Manager BRENTWOOD-BALDWIN-WHITEHALL ❘ SPRING 2020 45