Jefferson Memorial Park:
A Different Kind
of Cemetery
efferson Memorial Park was incorporated in 1929 with a great
sense of pride and perseverance tempered by a sincere love of
land and history. With memorials flush to the ground, the beauty
of the sweeping hills provides a park-like setting to those who visit.
Founded by a forester, Jefferson has thousands of species of trees,
shrubs and plants all native to the Pittsburgh area. While known for its
serene settings and abundant rolling hills, Jefferson is a haven of natural
beauty and historic richness.
Welcome to Jefferson Memorial Park, a different kind of cemetery.
As a resting place for our departed loved ones, Jefferson has a wide
spectrum of garden themes to create the broadest appeal possible.
Within the gates are gardens of memory with religious, natural or
historical tributes.
Did you know that there is over a dozen marble and bronze statues
located on the grounds? Or that dotted throughout the park are five
original Roman urns from the city of Pompeii?
In the Presidential Court Garden, located behind the main Jefferson
Mausoleum, stands an impressive bronze statue in the likeness of
George Washington. It is the sixth replica in the world created by
renowned French artist Jean Antione Houdon. Descending behind
the statue is a limestone staircase that was secured from the estate
of Henry Oliver, one of Pittsburgh’s leading steel manufacturers and
Coming soon, to add to the richness of Jefferson, is a historic bronze
statue of a civil war drummer boy to be installed in the center of the
Garden of the Mall in the spring of 2016. The original statue is displayed
on Lefever Street in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The bronze memorial is
representative of the lads of the armies of both the North and the South
who served during the War Between the States. Jefferson Memorial
Cemetery has the only other copy of this historic work of art that exists
in the world. Gary Casteel, a nationally recognized historic sculptor, is
the creator of this drummer boy.
What you have read here is only a sampling of the history within
Jefferson’s gates. You’re invited to come for a tour to see all of what and
who is behind the brick walls.
This Industry Insight was written by Dagny Neel Fitzpatrick.
Dagny is a fourth generation family owner of Jefferson
Memorial Cemetery, Funeral Home and Crematory
located at 401 Curry Hollow Rd. in Pleasant Hills. For more
information contact Dagny at 412.655.4500 or by email at
[email protected].
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