Finding the best center for your needs .
Adult Day Care Services
Finding the best center for your needs .
With life expectancy rising , more and more of us find we need assistance as we age . Adult day care centers are designed for older adults who can no longer manage independently , or who are isolated and lonely . They enable seniors to socialize with others while still receiving needed care services . At the same time , they offer caregivers a break from caregiving duties while knowing that their loved one is in good hands .
What is an adult day care center ?
Adult day care is a planned program of activities designed to promote well-being through social and health-related services . Adult day care centers operate during daytime hours , Monday through Friday , in a safe , supportive , cheerful environment . Nutritious meals that accommodate special diets are typically included , along with an afternoon snack .
Adult day care centers can be public or private , nonprofit or for-profit .
The intent of an adult day care center is primarily two-fold :
• To provide older adults an opportunity to get out of the house and receive both mental and social stimulation .
• To give caregivers a much-needed break in which to attend to personal needs , or simply rest and relax .
Regulation of adult day care centers
According to the National Adult Day Services Association ( NADSA ), there are currently more than 4,600 adult day care centers in the United States . Each state provides different regulations for the operation of adult day care centers , although NADSA offers some overall guidelines in its Standards and Guidelines for Adult Day Care .
NADSA recommends a minimum staff-to-participant ratio of one to six . This ratio can be even smaller , depending upon the level of participant impairment . If a program serves a large proportion of participants with dementia , for example , the ratio should be closer to one to four . Staffing of adult day care centers Though each adult day care center is staffed according to the needs of its participants , most programs operate with :
• Activity staff , usually an activity director and assistants
• Program assistants who aid with personal care
• A social worker
• A registered nurse or licensed practical nurse
• A center director
• Centers that serve a large number of participants may also employ a driver , secretary , and accountant .
Source : National Adult Day Services Association ( NADSA )
Adult day care center vs . adult day health care
A social adult day care center differs from adult day health care , which usually requires a health assessment by a physician before someone is admitted into the program . Adult day health centers , which typically use the term “ Adult Day Health Care ” ( ADHC ) in their names , often provide physical , occupational , and speech therapy , and are usually staffed with an RN and other health professionals . A
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