In a Nutshell IAN Spring 2023 FINAL | Page 8


Pollination Security CRC bid continues

Kellie Hollingworth , ABA Communications Manager
WORK to establish a Pollination Security Cooperative Research Centre ( CRC ) is continuing . The final submission was lodged in late August and the Core Bid Group is now preparing for the Stage 2 interview with the CRC Advisory Committee at the end of October . The Almond Board of Australia ’ s chairman Peter Hayes will be involved in the interview process . It ’ s expected the successful CRCs will be notified in December and receive funding from July 2024 . Pollination Security CRC Bid Chief Executive Officer Jean-Pierre Scheerlinck said $ 61 million in funding has been secured from 54 industry , corporate , government and research partners . “ It ’ s an unprecedented commitment from organisations representing all sectors of the Australian pollination ecosystem , united in their shared goal to

It is an important issue for a lot of agricultural businesses in Australia and we ' d like to be doing pollination better .
improve pollination security ,” he said . The Core Bid Group has requested $ 40 million from the Federal Government , which would make the Pollination Security CRC a $ 101 million program over 10 years . The chief scientist working on the bid , Professor Saul Cunningham , said CRCs bring researchers together with industry to identify problems and possible solutions . “ It would be a really big deal if we can get that up . It is an important issue for a lot of agricultural businesses in Australia and we ’ d like to be doing pollination better .” Professor Cunningham said pollination matters more now than it ever has before because varroa mite
- Professor Saul Cunningham
has been found in Australia . A decision has recently been made to manage the bee parasite instead of continue with eradication efforts . Professor Cunningham said Australia can learn from overseas beekeepers who have had to live with varroa mite . “ That ’ s at the heart of the thinking here ,” he said . Professor Cunningham said new technology is being developed in both the horticulture and beekeeping sectors that could enable pollination to be more effective in Australia . This isn ’ t the first time attempts have been made to establish a CRC with a pollination focus .