Imprint 2024 February/March | Page 36

ing their toxic stress , and negatively affecting overall health ” ( Bono-Neri & Toney-Butler , 2023 , p . 8 ).
Recommended Resources
Below are resources that provide information on recognizing , treating , and combating HT :
• Nurses United Against Human Trafficking ( www . nuaht . org ) offers education , advocacy , and consulting services to help HT professionals identify and treat HT .
• U . S . Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign ( www . dhs . gov / blue-campaign ) educates the public , law enforcement , and other industry partners to recognize and appropriately respond to indicators of HT .
• National Center on Sexual Exploitation ( https :// endsexualexploitation . org /) conducts research , training , and litigation to combat HT .
• National Center for Missing & Exploited Children ( www . missingkids . org ) focuses on helping to find missing children , reduce child sexual exploitation , and prevent child victimization .
• Nurses United Against Human Trafficking ( www . nursesunitedagainsthumantrafficking . org ) is committed to eradicating HT by increasing awareness , education , and resources to empower HT professionals .
• Polaris Project ( www . polarisproject . org ) operates the U . S . National Human Trafficking Hotline ( 1-888-373-7888 ).
• Thorn ( www . thorn . org ) focuses on technologies to combat selling child sex trafficking victims online .
Bono-Neri , F . ( 2022 , October 22 ). For those who believe that human trafficking doesn ’ t happen in their neighborhoods [ Post ]. LinkedIn . https :// www . linkedin . com / posts / dr-francine-bononeri-phd-rn-aprn-pnp-0895a31aa _ long-island-is-one-of-the-top-20-plac- es-in-activity-6989504027902275584- CNjQ ? utm _ source = share & utm _ medium = member _ android
Bono-Neri , F ., & Toney-Butler , T . J . ( 2023 ). Nursing students ’ knowledge of and exposure to human trafficking content in undergraduate curricula . Nurse Education Today , 129 , p . 1- 8 . https :// doi . org / 10.1016 / j . nedt . 2023.105920
Chisolm-Straker , M ., Baldwin , S ., Gaïgb ´ e-Togb ´ e , B ., Ndukwe , N ., Johnson , P . N ., Richardson , L . D ., ( 2016 ). Health care and human trafficking : We are seeing the unseen . J . Health Care Poor Underserved , 27 ( 3 ), 1220 – 1233 . https :// doi . org / 10.1353 / hpu . 2016.0131
Donahue , S ., Schwien , M ., & LaVallee , D . ( 2019 ). Educating emergency department staff on the identification and treatment of human trafficking victims . Journal of Emergency Nursing , 45 ( 1 ), 16 – 23 . https :// doi . org / 10.1016 / j . jen . 2018.03.021
Gilmer , D . G . ( 2021 ). The outcomes of collaborative , human trafficking multi-disciplinary teams based on the experiences and perceptions of participants ( 28774268 ) [ Doctoral dissertation , Columbia International University ]. ProQuest .
Grace , A . M ., Lippert , S ., Collins , K ., Pineda , N ., Tolani , A ., Walker , R ., Jeong , M ., Trounce , M .
B ., Graham-Lamberts , C ., Bersamin , M ., Martinez , J ., Dotzler , J ., Vanek , J ., Storfer Isser , A ., Chamberlain , L . J ., & Horwitz , S . M . ( 2014 ). Educating health care professionals on human trafficking . Pediatric Emergency Care , 30 ( 12 ), 856 – 861 . https :// doi . org / 10.1097 / PEC . 0000000000000287
Hilton , C . ( 2019 , July 29 ). Human trafficking fast facts . https :// www . globalgiving . org / learn / human-trafficking-fast-facts
International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children . ( 2021 ). Cryptocurrency and the trade of online child sexual abuse material . https :// cdn . icmec . org / wp-content / uploads / 2021 / 03 / Cryptocurrency-and-the-Trade-of-Online-Child-Sexual-Abuse-Material _ 03.17.21-publish-1 . pdf
International Labour Organization . ( 2022 , September 12 ). 50 million people worldwide in modern slavery . https :// www . ilo . org / global / about-theilo / newsroom / news / WCMS _ 855019 / lang – en / index . htm
Jones Day . ( 2022 , July ). Human trafficking and health care providers : Legal requirements for reporting and education . https :// www . jonesday . com / -/ media / files / publications / 2021 / 09 / 2022-50-state-survey – ht-state-reporting-chart-fina ;. pdf ? la = final . pdf ? la = en & hash = - 2FA40972B1EC477FB46C- DE1A8D07359C
Lederer , L . J . & Wetzel , C . A . ( 2014 ). The health consequences of sex trafficking and their implications for identifying victims in healthcare facilities . Annals of Health Law , 23 ( 1 ), 61 – 91 .
Metz-Howard , C . ( 2015 , May 28 ). Research to map organized crime , terrorism hotspots in Eurasia . https :// news . ku . edu / 2015 / 05 / 22 / researchmap-organized-crime-and-terrorismhotspots-eurasia
National Center on Sexual Exploitation . ( 2022 , June 30 ). Cyberspace : A fertile hunting ground for sex traffickers . https :// endsexualexploitation . org / articles / cyberspace-a-fertile-huntingground-for-sex-traffickers /
Office on Trafficking In Persons . ( 2020 ). What is human trafficking ?
https :// www . acf . hhs . gov / otip / about / what-human-trafficking
Peck , J . L , & Doiron , M . L . ( 2022 ). Human trafficking policies of profes-
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