Imprint 2024 February/March | Page 35

• Individuals with prior history of sexual abuse / ACEs ( Adverse Childhood Experiences )
• Indigenous ethnic groups
• Juvenile justice system or child welfare system
• Individuals who have mental and physical disabilities , or those in group homes
• Social media / online gaming use
The following is a list of high indicators of suspicion for a victim of HT . They include , but are not limited to :
• Near overdose
• Sexually transmitted infection or diseases ( STI / STD ), especially with high frequency
• Ectopic pregnancy , multiple pregnancies
• Infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome ( NAS )
• Nonfatal strangulation
• Suicidality
• Intimate partner violence / domestic violence
• Signs of abuse , multiple bruises in various stages of healing
• Multiple cell phones , multiple hotel keys
• Not in possession of government issued ID ( age appropriate )
• Tattoos of crowns , dollar signs , roses , and / or profanity ( Traffickers tend to brand their victims )
• Controlling / domineering companion who is reluctant to leave ( Please note traffickers and victims can be male or female , and family members can also be traffickers )
How Nurses Can Change the Trajectory of HT
Nurses play a crucial role in identifying , treating , responding , and advocating for victims of HT . Unfortunately , this most vulnerable population too often goes unidentified due to lack of proper education . Prelicensure nursing programs are uniquely positioned to address this issue by educating their students on HT , yielding competency in identifying and caring for this population . With millions of nurses currently working in the U . S ., we are ideally situated to identify , treat , respond , empower , and follow mandatory
reporting guidelines in cases involving minors , but only if we are adequately educated ( Bono-Neri & Toney-Butler , 2023 ). Not only does this stop the cycle of further victimization for that identified individual , but it prevents other victims from falling prey to that trafficker , as gangs and cartels can be dismantled . “ Unlike an illicit drug or arms trade that once sold it is gone , humans can be sold over and over again , leading to significant physical ailments and complex trauma . These victims need to be promptly identified and treated appropriately with trauma-informed care , but without proper education of HCPs , these victims go unidentified and remain hidden , compound-
35 NSNA Imprint