Imprint 2024 February/March | Page 29

uncertain . I wanted to work in healthcare and help others , but I struggled to pinpoint a specific path . My father , who has been in the healthcare profession for many years , directed me towards nursing . Opting for this field aligned with my interests and provided a diverse range of specialties to explore .
Question 2 :
How do people respond when you tell them that you are in nursing school ?
LGR : My family has been beyond supportive of my decision to go to nursing school . I will be the fourth generation nurse in my family . My great-grandmother , Lydia Venzon , was a well-respected chief nurse , nursing school dean , and author of nursing textbooks in the Philippines .
KS : I have received overwhelming encouragement and support from friends and family in my decision to start nursing school . I am determined to validate their confidence in me through my commitment and efforts in pursuing this profession .
RK : Most of my friends , family , and colleagues are very proud that I am in nursing school as they know and believe that it is a well-respected profession . A particularly heartening and unexpected response came from my father , who expressed a wish that he had pursued a nursing career himself . He later explained that he always wanted to go into nursing after being an Army medic and that he was proud of my decision to pursue this career .
BD : Since the moment I shared with my friends and family that I wanted to start nursing school , they have shown me unwavering support . They understand the critical need for nurses now more than ever . Their reactions have motivated me to strive to meet and exceed the expectations they have set for me .
Question 3 :
What has been your experience as a male nursing student in your program ?
LGR : While I recognize that being an Asian man places me in the minority within the nursing program , I embrace the opportunity to venture beyond my comfort zone . The program allows me to meet people from various backgrounds and all walks of life . I appreciate my program ’ s inclusive and welcoming environment .
KS : Males are a minority in our nursing program ; however , we receive equal treatment alongside the rest of our peers . My nursing program stands out as a diverse university committed to ensuring equality and opportunities for all its students .
RK : The environment within my current nursing cohort is accepting and collaborative , contributing to a positive experience as a male nursing student , despite our limited numbers .
BD : Navigating the nursing program as a male student differed from my initial expec-
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