Imprint 2023 November/December | Page 34

Why I Became a Nurse

Ryan Bannan , BSN , RN Past NSNA President 2015-2016 DNP candidate , Duke University Nurse Anesthesia Program

Six days into a twenty-one-day backpacking trip through the Colorado Rockies , I was tired , cold , hungry , and miserable . “ What have I gotten myself into ?” I thought . My only way out was by taking one step forward . My challenge was to make the best of things despite this misery and to make that one step forward count .

Nursing school can feel like that . Even professionally , the work we do can be grueling . About five years after working in business , sales , and even wilderness guiding , I met healthcare workers who seemed to have a life I wanted , so I started doing what they did to get there . Once in nursing school I thrived on the support of mentors , most of whom were NSNA student leaders and NSNA faculty advisors .
This career is rewarding , but it is not for the faint of heart . I never would have made it through nursing school or the past seven years without prioritizing my own well-being . That means good sleep , regular exercise , and decent nutrition .
For folks like me , it is also important to remind yourself there is no shame in asking for help with mental health , and no room for ego trying to tough it out . My decision to seek out treatment through therapy and medication was life changing . I encourage everyone in healthcare to work with a therapist , and if that ’ s not comfortable for you , get training in Stress First Aid . Even if you never need those skills personally , someone in your life will . I got into nursing because I wanted to help people , and the challenges in it have made me better too .
The expedition I began above was finished with a smile on my face and buzz in my body while running 13 miles through the mountains . It ’ s amazing how enjoyable the journey can become when you tap into the courage to persevere and have confidence that the first step will lead you to success . n
Jaleighya Townsend , BSN , RN NSNA Breakthrough to Nursing Director 2020-2021 Staff Nurse , Piedmont Healthcare

When I first arrived on the college campus , I hadn ’ t chosen to pursue nursing as my major . I was on the pre-medical track originally . During a week to highlight all the majors my university offers , I decided to take a chance and listen to a panel for nursing . They described their experiences , and the many ways nursing positively impacted their life . Shortly after I declared nursing as my major .

The summer prior to starting my nursing school journey , I studied abroad in Cape Town , South Africa . Volunteering at one the only free healthcare systems in the country opened my eyes to the many ways , we as nurses , matter . Nursing school was an experience I will never forget . Several nights I questioned if I was carving out the right career path for myself . The classes felt overwhelming and impossible to comprehend . Patient interactions , care plans and all the many elements that come with clinicals compounded the feeling of not belonging . However , I pushed through because I knew it would all be worth it . Now , almost three years into my career I couldn ’ t have imagined the vast number of opportunities nursing offers .
As a labor and delivery nurse , I help moms create a birthing experience they will cherish forever . Seeing patients come in with little to no knowledge regarding their diagnosis , to their capabilities at discharge , is so rewarding . Even on the days when the unit seems to be chaotic and the admissions seem never ending , knowing that I am making a positive impact on someone ’ s health keeps me going . Throughout my time at the bedside , I have learned so much and cannot wait to see where my nursing journey takes me next . n