Imprint 2023 November/December | Page 33

breathing exercises , the “ brain dump ” activity , inspirational videos to help students connect with their original “ why ” for choosing to pursue nursing , and highlighting university resources that support students ’ mental health and wellbeing .
As a nursing student in undergraduate and graduate studies , my mental and emotional well-being declined as my anxiety increased . As a new graduate nurse and over my 27-year nursing career in public health , acute care nursing with adults , and pediatrics , I have experienced mental health strain , job-related stress , bullying , incivility , and burnout related to workload . I have observed the positive effects in my personal and professional life when individuals employ healthy coping skills and selfcare strategies to improve and maintain mental health . Likewise , I have observed negative results personally and professionally in individuals who do not have healthy coping skills . Self-care strategies and resources to improve my mental health were not taught nor modeled in my nursing education .
As an educator , I do not have the answers to every patient ’ s problem ; instead , I recognize and refer to resources . I use the phrase so often that I have named it the “ Sutton 3 Rs .” As educators , we need resources to which we can refer students when they have mental health issues . Colleges and universities have free and easy access to counseling services for enrolled students . The referral may be within the body of a confidential email , in a private conversation with the student , or , when needed , by accompanying the student to the counseling services office and waiting until they are called back for their appointment with a licensed counselor .
The pandemic has exacerbated the stress and wellbeing of many students . Daily life for most nursing students is complex and challenging . Providing students with tangible and accessible evidence-based self-care strategies to bolster their mental health will provide one part of the solution . Normalizing the need for self-care early will provide students with a solid foundation to draw from as they enter the demanding and rewarding nursing profession .
References Agarwal , PK . ( 2023 ). Brain dump : a small strategy with a big impact . Unleash Learning . https :// wwwretrievalpractice . org / strategies / 2017 / free-recall /.
American College Health Association . ( 2021 ). National College Health Assessment . https :// www . acha . org / documents / ncha / NCHA-III _ FALL _ 2021 _ REFERENCE _ GROUP _ EXECUTIVE _ SUMMARY . pdf
Feyoh , M . ( 2023 ). 15 printable brain dump worksheets for your best ideas . Develop Good Habits . com : Oldtown Publishing . https :// www . developgoodhabits . com / braindump-worksheet /.
Owen , M . I ., & Pfeiffer , K . M . ( 2023 ). Mental health characteristics of traditional and accelerated baccalaureate prelicensure nursing students . J Nurs Educ . 62 ( 2 ), 105-108 . http :// dx . doi . org . ezproxy . lib . apsu . edu / 10.3928 / 01484834-20221213-07
Sonmez , Y ., Akdemir , M ., Meydanlioglu , A ., & Aktekin , M . R . ( 2023 ). Psychological distress , depression , and anxiety in nursing students : A longitudinal study . Healthcare . 11 ( 5 ), 636 . http :// dx . doi . org / 10.3390 / healthcare11050636
Vanessa Suponch is a student in her last semester of nursing school at Austin Peay State University , Clarksville , TN . Vanessa is a medic in the United States Army Reserve . She is a member of the Governance Committee for her school ’ s Sigma Theta Tau chapter and a member of Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society .
Lori A . Sutton , MSN , RN , is an Assistant Professor of Nursing at Austin Peay State University , School of Nursing , Clarksville , TN . She has been a nurse educator for two and a half years . Her background in nursing is public health , acute care with adults , and pediatrics . Lori is very interested in the mental health and well-being of nursing students .
American Association of Colleges of Nursing . ( 2023 , May 18 ). Initiative : Well-being & Resilience . https :// www . aacnnursing . org / our-initiatives / well-beingresilience #:~: text = In % 20August % 202020 % 2C % 20 AACN ’ s % 20members , students % 2C % 20faculty % 2C % 20 and % 20staff .
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