Imprint 2023 November/December | Page 27

that Daden first garnered his experience working with patients as a care team member along with nurses and providers and had his first opportunity to apply the teachings of his elders to his craft . Daden believes that his assistance can provide a better future for these patients , helping them during some of the most trying days of their lives in hopes that one day he would see them outside the hospital flourishing . Receiving his CNA license in 2019 , Daden worked in the same facility , and it was there that he decided to enroll in nursing at MSU .
Like many , getting into the nursing program was daunting for Daden . However , once a student , he quickly found his community as a group of diverse individuals from all backgrounds and circumstances , ultimately all working in conjunction to support each other . His interactions from meeting this vast array of people planted the seed of interest in Daden for committing to public health nursing , which could allow him to use his
nursing and health literacy to affect his communities in positive , permanent ways .
Daden speaks poignantly that it is clear to him today that “ There is a reason for me doing what I am doing .” Daden recalled those difficult days in nursing school that crop up often and attributes his inspiration to his , “ beautiful , wonderful , and awe-inspiring girlfriend , Katie Allee ,” who motivates and encourages him to strive for success in all facets of life no matter what task he sets out to do .
In conversation with him and hearing the reverence in his voice as he speaks about those he holds in high esteem , it is strange that Daden considers himself to be shy , almost falling into roles rather than volunteering . It feels that he often overlooks what he truly means to those around him and regularly downplays his value . Daden is somewhat of a gentle giant , making every place better than when he first arrived . This is seen in how he updated the technological , procedural aspects , and community outreach of the NSNA MSU Chapter . Creating a website , making a new agenda , developing meeting protocols , and generally updating the internal message to members has provided a path for succeeding board members to seamlessly use the tools he created . He credits this undertaking as simply fulfilling a need ; however , his passion to increase membership and engagement cannot be understated or reduced
Daden states that the main takeaway that he wants all readers to grasp from reading about his journey is this : “ A lot of people will try to define you . You will have to define yourself .” This is a testament to Daden ’ s character because it illustrates his underlying vision for his future of eventually serving as a public health nurse or federal policymaker , directly impacting the lives of the Salish and Kootenai Reservation and surrounding areas . “ Public health to me is the way to guarantee the health of everyone now rather than later , so why not start now .” n
26 NSNA IMPRINT • NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2023 • www . nsna . org