Lastly , you will have access to the NSNA guidelines and sample questions that you may be asked during “ Meet the Candidates ” or even during your speech .
Running for national office is a great opportunity to develop leadership skills as a nursing student . This position has helped to sharpen my skills professionally . Meeting so many people with so much in common and hearing different views about nursing has forever changed my life . Serving in this role has had a great impact on my career as a new nurse . I am so grateful that I listened to that little voice that told me “ You can do this !” and I am so honored to be of service to the organization .
If you are interested in learning about how to run for a national position , all of the positions are listed on the NSNA website on the “ How to Run for National Office ” page . There you will find various positions along with their descriptions . Also be sure to read the Digest of Information for Running for NSNA Office . Once you find the position that has piqued your interest , please complete a request for additional information by clicking here .
If you have any questions , do not hesitate to contact the NEC . This is a strong team of people who are here to support you in any way possible . We are all so excited and look forward to helping you dive into a leadership role with the NSNA . n