Imprint 2023 November/December | Page 13

Greetings to all my fellow NSNA members ! The end of the year is fast approaching , and the April Convention will be here before we know it . I enjoyed meeting many of you at the MidYear Conference at the different breakout sessions , making new connections with people from various places , the NCLEX Review , and so much more . I would like to challenge you all to think about how you can make an impact with NSNA .


Lakisha Carter NEC Member and Southern Election Area Representative 2023-24 Nominating and Elections Committee necsouth @ nsna . org
Dive into Nursing Leadership
Greetings to all my fellow NSNA members ! The end of the year is fast approaching , and the April Convention will be here before we know it . I enjoyed meeting many of you at the MidYear Conference at the different breakout sessions , making new connections with people from various places , the NCLEX Review , and so much more . I would like to challenge you all to think about how you can make an impact with NSNA .
Maybe you are thinking how to dive into a leadership role , but you are not quite sure how to go about it or what it may require . Perhaps you have thought of running for a leadership role or you are already involved with your school chapter or on the state level . I would like to encourage you to submit your application because there are many advantages of pre-slating for a position on the NSNA Board of Directors and the Nominating and Elections Committee .
I ran from the floor and felt overwhelmed gathering all the required forms , making
my profile video , asking a friend to be my campaign manager , coming up with a slogan , asking another friend to help me with a slideshow for “ Meet the Candidates ,” working on a speech . The list goes on and on . Don ’ t get me wrong , these exciting and memorable moments amaze me that I got through it all . If I had pre-slated , I would have arrived in Nashville ready to run for office with much less stress .
I would like to encourage you to think about running to take advantage of pre-slating . To preslate for a position with NSNA essentially means submitting the official NSNA Application for the National Office by January 17 , 2024 , 11:30pm EST . This in no way means that you cannot run from the floor , however , there are advantages that you gain from pre-slating .
One of the advantages is having your name published on the NSNA slate before the convention . This means that as soon as the official announcement of the slate of candidates is made you may begin to campaign .
Another advantage is all the additional time you will have to plan your campaign . This includes coming up with a campaign slogan , practicing and recording your video submission , designing your poster for “ Meet the Candidates ,” developing campaign materials , preparing your campaign speech , gathering your letters of recommendation , and recruiting a campaign manager . With so much that happens at the convention , pre-slating is the best way to run for NSNA office .
12 NSNA IMPRINT • NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2023 • www . nsna . org