• An up-to-date résumé
• A completed letter of support from the Dean / Director of your nursing program
• A character reference from a faculty advisor at your current nursing program
• A letter of reference from a student , school or state chapter leader
• Completion of three short essays ( included in application )
Finally , here are some things to consider and remember about your campaign .
• You are NOT to discuss your campaign or prospective position with anyone at Convention until you are nominated at a business meeting and officially on the slate of candidates .
• Seek out a campaign manager ( NSNA student member ).
• Create a campaign that represents your views prior to the convention .
• Draft and practice your speech .
The NEC advises you to complete as many of these tasks as you can prior to Convention , as running for a position can become hectic . At the last convention , I ran from the Floor , and it was quite hectic when it was a last-minute decision — creating a poster , speech , and getting all my letters of recommendation in before the deadline was a stressful , time-consuming task . This stress can be diminished by getting your application in beforehand ! We want you all to enjoy all the convention has to offer and the excitement of running for office .
Best of luck this semester , and I am excited to see you all at the NSNA 71st Annual Convention ! The Nominating and Elections Committee is eager to assist you in your journey to leadership . If you have questions about the application process , please do not hesitate to contact your NEC representative . However your campaign starts , I wish you luck on your quest into NSNA leadership . n
Which election area are you in ?
22 NSNA IMPRINT n JANUARY 2023 n www . nsna . org