Additionally , you may run from the floor which is where an NSNA member is nominated during the NSNA House of Delegates meetings at the Annual Convention . However , as a candidate , you will be under some tight time constraints and will not receive all the benefits of campaigning ahead of time . Part of the application process requires letters of reference that can be difficult to gather in a short period of time . Therefore , it is to your benefit to pre-slate .
There are a variety of positions ( 14 total ) that you may run for . Nursing school can be busy , so I recommend you take a look at the different positions and their roles as listed on the NSNA
Website to determine which one you would be best suited for . A small note about this is that if you are interested in running for the position of president or vice-president , you will need to have a valid passport for the application as this is an
International Council of Nurses Congress year . Once you have decided to jump in and run , you will need to complete the request for information form in order to access the application . If you have any questions , concerns , comments , or items of clarification , please reach out to your NEC representative . We are here to assist you in your upcoming leadership journey !
With that being said , pre-slating for a position has many benefits ! The more time you have before the Annual Convention , the more time you will have to plan a strong and successful campaign . If you are ready to take the next steps in your leadership path , reach out to the NEC . We hope to see your name on the official slate and I look forward to meeting you all at the Annual Convention in April . Be a hero , be a leader , and jump in . You won ’ t regret it . n
Which election area are you in ? Contact your NEC member with any questions !
Elizabeth Hemmes necnorth @ nsnainc . org NORTHERN ELECTION AREA Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota Ohio South Dakota Wisconsin |
Erin Kelly , Chair necsouth @ nsnainc . org SOUTHERN ELECTION AREA Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma Puerto Rico South Carolina Tennessee Texas |
Mikayla Shankweiler neceast @ nsnainc . org EASTERN ELECTION AREA Connecticut District of Columbia Delaware Maine Maryland Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont Virginia U . S . Virgin Islands West Virginia |
Janelle Rafanan necwest @ nsnainc . org WESTERN ELECTION AREA Alaska Arizona California Colorado Guam Hawaii Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming |
18 NSNA IMPRINT • NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2022 • www . nsna . org