Nominating and Elections Committee
Elizabeth Hemmes NEC Member and Northern Election Area Representative 2022-2023 Nominating and Elections Committee NECNorth @ nsnainc . org
Hello , everyone ! My name is Elizabeth Hemmes and I am serving as the Northern Election Area representative for the Nominating & Elections Committee ( NEC ). It was such a pleasure to meet so many of you at the NSNA MidYear Conference in Virginia Beach . My fellow NEC members and I were thrilled to talk with you all about running for an NSNA position and continuing your journey into leadership . You have taken the first steps , and now it is time to dive in ! NSNA offers a variety of opportunities for you to get involved and grow as an individual , leader , and future nurse .
Personally , I can say that being on the NSNA NEC has truly been life-changing . I have grown in all areas of my personal and professional life , expanded my knowledge regarding leadership , and had the opportunity to connect with fellow nursing students and organizations from across the nation ! It has been my greatest pleasure to be a part of NSNA , and I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity . If you were like me when you first started nursing school , you had no intention of serving nationally . However , watching last year ’ s elections at the Annual Convention , going to the MidYear Conference , and seeing how rewarding it is may have piqued your interest . If you have that little voice whispering in your ear , “ maybe I could do that ,” I can tell you that YOU CAN . Seek out information from your NEC representative and start asking questions about the position ( s ) you are interested in .
There are two ways you can run for office , which are pre-slating or running from the floor . It would be to your advantage to pre-slate . This is defined as the submission and acceptance of the NSNA Application for National Office by January 17th , 2023 , at 11:30 pm ET . By doing this , you are able to prepare ahead of time for campaigning (
according to the official campaign regulations ), gathering your reference letters , and to just feel more prepared overall when it is time to start the official NSNA election process . As a pre-slated candidate , your name is published on the NSNA official Slate of Candidates before the
71st Annual Convention in Nashville , Tennessee , April 12th-16th , 2023 . The advantage to this is that you are then able to begin campaigning once the slate is officially announced .