Shepherd University Student Nurses ’ Association ( SU SNA ) This past semester , the SU SNA in Shepherdstown , WV , donated hundreds of items to Faith Feeding Freedom , an organization that feeds and provides other supplies to the homeless and hungry , in addition to local shelters . Their extraordinary executive board also helped nursing faculty by orienting Level One nursing students to the nursing program by offering tours . Along with the other SNA members , they are assisting Level Ones with labs , providing important hands-on experience and cultivating leadership . SU SNA is also planning on holding a drive to collect clothing , journals , puzzles , books , and other items to donate to local behavioral health units to benefit individuals with mental illness .
California Nursing Students ’ Association at San Jose State University ( CNSA SJSU ) The CNSA SJSU recently partnered with San Jose State ’ s Public Health Nursing Club to offer a new graduate panel event via Zoom to nursing students . Representing a wide range of nursing fields such as Pediatric , Labor & Delivery , Medical-Surgical , and Emergency , guest speakers shared their experiences on taking the NCLEX and beginning their nursing careers .
CNSA SJSU also held several drives last semester . In conjunction with another club at SJSU , students held a Stanford Chemo Care Package Drive , assembling 100 chemo care packages for patients at Stanford hospital . Each bag was decorated by elementary school students from Action Day Primary Plus and contained a beanie or headscarf , pair of socks , box of tissues , lip balm , lotion , sanitizer , mint candies , face masks , and a small message to the patient .
At the end of the semester , the SNSA SJSU treated members to an end-of-year holiday party offering food , activities , prizes , a gift exchange , and ice-breaker bingo . Last but not least , the Breakthrough-to-Nursing Director , Bree Casas , was elected to serve on the CNSA State Board at the most recent CNSA Convention !
This spring semester , SJSU ’ s chapter is beginning their Junior Officer program , which allows members who are interested in becoming officers to shadow an existing officer and receive mentorship as they transition into their officer position .
The Nursing Students ’ Association of New York State ( NSANYS ) The NSANYS has worked diligently to put together its 70th Annual Heart of Healthcare Convention . Due to changes related to the COVID-19 pandemic , the association made the difficult and last-minute decision to convert the event to an online format . This change came with many obstacles . However , with the guidance of NSANYS President , Jordyn Preslar , and Co-Vice Presidents , Amanda Loo and Rosabel Wu , the event was a success . Each role Beard Members took on helped shape their professional identities cultivated professional connections . For example , in response to the possibility to low attendance , several NSAYNS members turned to social media and even promoted the Convention inperson during class time .
The Annual Convention , held on February 5 , featured Keynote Speaker Marcus Engel , a Certified Speaking Professional and author . As a college freshman , Marcus Engel was blinded and nearly killed after being struck by a drunk driver . Through two years of rehabilitation , over 350 hours of reconstructive facial surgery , and adaptation to a multitude of life changes , Marcus witnessed the good , the bad and the profound in patient care , and he imparted his wisdom to the nursing students attending the Convention .
The Convention contained seven different breakout sessions , ranging from an externship panel to an NCLEX information session . In addition , there were seven different exhibitor breakout sessions from which to choose . The NSANYS also proudly announced its 2022 Resolution , “ In Support of Increasing Awareness of Postoperative Depression in Patients with Chronic Illnesses ”. The Board hopes the event has encouraged students to become more involved with the NSNA on a national or statewide level . n
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