tions may be asked during “ Meet the Candidates ” sessions with voting delegates . Organizing a campaign with extra time is very advantageous as you will need time to find a campaign manager , write and practice a speech , and develop a successful campaign plan . Pre-slating will also allow you time to get your name out into the NSNA community and share your thoughts , ideas , and goals for your future year in NSNA leadership before Annual Convention .
Many leadership experiences and opportunities for growth will develop from running for national office . These skills are beneficial while in nursing school and as you progress into your professional nursing career . You will be able to meet and connect with other enthusiastic nursing students from all over the country . I wholeheartedly recommend seizing this life-changing opportunity ! As a busy nursing student , I understand the balancing act between your many roles , but various positions are flexible and understanding of your schedule . All of the positions and descriptions are located on the NSNA website under
“ Run for National Office .” After reviewing the different positions , you may complete the
request for information form to access the application . If you have any questions , concerns , or clarifications , please contact your NEC representative to help guide you in the right direction .
As you can see , pre-slating as a candidate for the NSNA national office has many perks ! Remember the more time you have before the convention , the better it is for you to build a strong , successful campaign . If this has ignited your interest , please reach out to your NEC representative now ! We can help you answer your questions and help navigate you to become a 2022-2023 NSNA candidate . The NEC also offers guidance in searching for a position that meets your qualifications and skills , experience , time restraints , and interest . We hope to see your name on our next slate as a pre-slated candidate ! I can promise you will not regret taking advantage of this great opportunity and look forward to meeting you all at the Annual NSNA Convention this April . •
Which election area are you in ? Contact your NEC member with any questions !
Tayler Akins , Chair necwest @ nsnainc . org WESTERN ELECTION AREA Alaska Arizona California Colorado Guam Hawaii Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming
Tayler Akins necsouth @ nsnainc . org SOUTHERN ELECTION AREA Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma Puerto Rico South Carolina Tennessee Texas
Trevor Voice necnorth @ nsnainc . org NORTHERN ELECTION AREA Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota Ohio South Dakota Wisconsin
Kreena Patel neceast @ nsnainc . org EASTERN ELECTION AREA Connecticut District of Columbia Delaware Maine Maryland Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont Virginia U . S . Virgin Islands West Virginia
18 NSNA IMPRINT • NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2021 • www . nsna . org