When the journey gets tough , remember why you started . You have worked hard . You are successful . You are incredible . You have knowledge and the tools for improving care , and you bring hold a special compassion that you readily share with patients , families , and communities . Look out for career possibilities that you are passionate about , that will motivate you to keep going when times get rough . You may be at the bedside , in homes or communities , a teacher , a researcher , and maybe even in boardrooms and in political offices . The bottom line is nursing can really be anything you want it to be . You just must go out and make it happen ! All these roles are just as important as the next and if you tire of one and find passion in another , you are free to change your mind , encouraged even ! Explore as many roles as you want or find joy in . To me , that is the true beauty of nursing … there are so many ways to touch the lives of others ! And of course , always remember to practice self-care . Whatever this means for you , whether it ’ s physical , spiritual , or emotional , take a little time each day to check-in with all parts of yourself and do something for you . I think by our very nature we get caught up in helping and healing others that we turn a blind eye to our own needs . You cannot properly care for others if you yourself are not well . So don ’ t feel selfish or anxious about not constantly working on something ( easier said than done , I know ), but rather take pride in the fact that you are making sure the best version of you is available to provide for your patients !
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