Imprint 2021 November/December November/December 2021 | Page 11


Connecting the Dots : Making the Most of NSNA

Sarah McCloskey Director and Chair , Membership Committee directore @ nsnainc . org

NSNA can be an important part of your experience as a student nurse . There are many reasons why we all decided to become nurses , and the same is true about being a part of NSNA . Some people join for leadership experience , others for professional development , while some join to expand their network and meet students from across the nation . No matter your reason for joining , we are all here because we have decided to join the caring , rewarding , and challenging profession of nursing . There is so much to learn on this journey and plenty to reflect on along the way . NSNA has given me countless opportunities to continue to learn , grow as a leader , and meet other students and nurses along the way . I am sure all of you have learned something , met someone , or experienced something new during your time with NSNA , and if you haven ’ t yet , I promise that you will !

Take chances and challenge yourself It can be easy to find a routine , to fall into a regular pace , sitting in our comfort zone instead of pushing ourselves . Don ’ t leave questions answered with , “ I don ’ t know .” Oftentimes when we are stuck and are not sure what to do , we become frustrated ( or maybe that ’ s just me ). But dig in , work hard , and seek out answers . And above all , don ’ t be afraid to ask questions ! There is no shame in not knowing an answer . Rather , it ’ s in not trying to find the answer . It may not be easy , but the challenge will be worth it . Every day is an opportunity for change , and they don ’ t have to be big ! Start small . Look for one thing that you can do every day to help yourself grow or to help those around you .
Surround yourself with people who reflect who you want to be . NSNA is a fantastic opportunity to network and foster relationships with nursing students and nurse leaders from across the country and the world . Look up to older students and ask for help . Again , don ’ t be afraid to ask questions ! They have been in your position and you are not alone . If you are an older student — look to your professors ! They can guide you and help you on your journey through school . Finding a good mentor early in your career will provide you with support , encouragement , and direction . Making connections can help you during your years of nursing school as well as during your first few years in the working field . What you bring to the table is valuable . Your viewpoint is important . Speak up for yourself . We are taught to be an advocate for our patients , but we must also advocate for fellow nursing students and , maybe most importantly , ourselves !
Be open and say yes to new opportunities Being a part of the NSNA , you will have the ability to become connected with different professionals within the nursing profession . You can get connected with pediatric nurses , flight nurses , nurse managers , nurse practitioners , and so many more that you may not even know about ! The workshops that are provided at conferences and conventions make it easy to meet individuals who are experienced , passionate , and excited to share with students . Make sure to attend , and maybe you will find the nursing specialty that you feel called to , or maybe you will get the advice you need to get you through the semester . Always take on any opportunity that comes your way , whether it is provided by a professor , your school , your work , or the NSNA . As nursing students , we can be very busy and feel like we just don ’ t have the time , but you don ’ t want to look back on your time in school and think “ what if …”. Step outside of your comfort zone and make time to experience new things . While this can be scary , it is well worth it in the end . When you do , your profession transforms into your passion . As the old saying goes , if you truly love your job , you ’ ll never work a day in your life .