Nominating and Elections Committee
Jessica Niebauer Northern Representative 2020-2021 Nominating and Elections Committee NECnorth @ nsnainc . org
Running from the Floor Hello everyone ! My name is Jess Niebauer , and I am your Northern Election Area Representative for the Nominating and Elections Committee ( NEC ). Although we could not meet in person like the NEC expected , we had an amazing time meeting virtually and providing information on running for National Office at the NSNA Virtual 38 th MidYear Conference . As the NEC , we sincerely hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season . We also hope you all enjoyed your break from classes and that you feel energized to complete yet another successful semester .
Is running for National Office something that interests you ? The NEC is excited to fill our slate with extraordinary nursing students who wish to advance their leadership skills and impact the future of nursing .
Finding the right position that suits you may not be easy with all the fantastic options you have ! We currently have nine available Board of Directors positions ; these include President , Vice President , Secretary / Treasurer , Imprint Editor , Breakthrough to Nursing Director , and Director North , Director East , Director South , and Director West . For the Nominating and Elections Committee , four Representatives are designated into four regions : North , East , South , and West . The roles and responsibilities for each of these positions can be accessed at :
While the pre-slating deadline has passed , your chance at running for NSNA office is not over ! You are still able to run from the floor . So , what does running from the floor mean ? Candidates that wish to run from the floor are placed on the slate at the convention . Although convention may seem in the distant future , you can begin this process today ! Here are some tips to get started : Fill out the application request form at
https :// www . jotform . com / nsnainc / national-office-request . Complete and submit the “ Run for National Office ” application before you get to the convention . This application includes the following :
24 NSNA IMPRINT n JANUARY 2021 n www . nsna . org