Important events around my whole Exams Procedures 11/10/2016 | Page 7

Verfasserin : Maricla Kandzorra

Draft / Entwurf

and singers and actors are highly paid because they are doing this professionally ! Music is for your soul and your heart , not for torturing other people !!! And you can ’ t take over a sh * t this way – this is another Bullshit-Illusion !
FAZ vom 28.07.2016 : “ Nach Amoktat Münchner Ermittler werten 1750 Hinweise aus (…) Der bayerische Innenminister Joachim Herrmann ( CSU ) hat indes die Recherchen zum rechtsextremistischen Weltbild des Amokläufers bestätigt .”
Abendzeitung München vom 26.07.2016 : „ AfD , Türkenhass , Egoshooter Ali David S .: So tickte der Amokläufer vom OEZ Je mehr über Ali David S ., den Amokläufer vom OEZ bekannt wird , umso mehr zeichnet sich das Bild eines psychisch labilen Menschen mit ausgeprägtem Nationalismus ab . Der Verehrung für Amokläufer und die AfD stand Hass auf Türken gegenüber .“
FAZ vom 28.07.2016 : „ Amokschütze von München - Herrmann bestätigt Hinweise auf rassistisches Weltbild “
Focus-online vom heutiger Abruf : „+++ Amoklauf von München im News-Ticker +++ Amokschütze suchte gezielt nach Glock-Pistole 9mm “
Christopher Miller on Twitter : " This Buk was brought in from the Russian Federation and after launch was subsequently returned to Russian territory ."
SZ vom 28.09.2016 : „ Ermittler : Flug MH17 mit russischer Rakete abgeschossen : MH17 “ CNN vom 28.09.2016 : “ MH17 shot down by Buk missile brought from Russia , say investigators ” Youtube – N24 vom 21.05.2013 : „ Neonazis in Russland : Angriff der Schlägertrupps ( Doku )“ Wikipedia , heutiger Abruf : „ Volksmiliz ( Ukraine )“
A lot of excuses get used for mobbing me today changing my very past , pretending that I was at school times a bully girl who mobbed other schoolmates – but these are new accusations of those who didn ’ t see any other way to get against me and fight unless an inventing past which never existed this way .
The same people who create this parallel and illusionary past are the same who want to create an also insane and surreal present for being able to spread their defamations everywhere .
Because my neighbors are very nazistic oriented , indeed especially people with a political rightwing orientation get involved into this shit games . I always fought this game therefore I didn ’ t allow anyone in library since at least June 2014 not to talk to me . They repeat specific gestures or actions again and again so that they become recognizable like a coded behavior – in library I learned that the similarities between rightwing oriented ( my house ) and leftwing oriented people ( library ) are very strong and that they have a lot of interfaces in their interests and targets .
To this time the murder of this cop on Christmas Eve was with its headlines and descriptions very near to what I discovered in my house . The interpretation of a specific song by my neighbors which I could understand through their behaviors brought me already in November 2015 to make a public warning post on behalf of my most loved friends but I never would have thought it would hit a member of a by me loved