Implementing Comprehensive HIV/STI Programmes with Sex Workers Implementing Comprehensive HIV/STI Programmes with | Page 27
1 Community Empowerment
HIV prevention among sex workers (such as peer-led education and control of sexually transmitted
infections) are more effective and sustainable when conducted within a community empowerment
framework. From Kenya to Ukraine, Brazil to Thailand, India to the Dominican Republic, investment in
community-led organizations of sex workers has resulted in improved reach, access, service quality,
service uptake, condom use and engagement by sex workers in national policies and programmes.
Scaling up comprehensive, community empowerment-based HIV interventions helps prevent
significant numbers of new HIV infections, particularly in settings with high rates of HIV.
Community empowerment for sex workers means:
• sex workers coming together for mutual assistance
• removing barriers to full participation
• strengthening partnerships among sex worker communities, government, civil society and local
• addressing collective needs in a supportive environment
• leading the process themselves: sex workers know best how to identify their priorities and the
context-appropriate strategies to address those priorities
• meaningful participation of sex workers in all aspects of programme design, implementation,
management and evaluation
• providing money and resources directly to sex worker organizations and communities, which
become responsible for determining priorities, activities, staffing, and the nature and content of
service provision. Ultimately, sex worker-led organizations may become the employers of relevant
staff (doctors, nurses, social workers, outreach workers), rather than sex workers being solely
volunteers, community outreach workers5 or employees.
Community empowerment is more than a set of activities; it is an approach that should be integrated
into all aspects of health and HIV programming. It is the