Imperial Tobacco The Imperialist 3 | Page 15

#Brands| P&S | Davidoff THE «BERRY BOOM» IN KAZAKHSTAN Davidoff Reach is the key product on the market in Kazakhstan. In June 2018, Davidoff Reach Blue and Davidoff Reach Silver were launched. Davidoff Reach Purple became the main and long-awaited innovation by Davidoff, due to a berry-flavored crushball, firm-touch filter and a technology reducing the smell of smoke. O n the day of launching Davidoff Reach Purple, a presentation on the product was made in Imperial Tobacco’s office in Almaty. The guests enjoyed the event, tried berry smoothies and other desserts. At the end of the event there was a lottery with the main prize: earphones with Davidoff Reach Purple brand name. Bakhtiyar Aliev, Regional Manager, South Region: “The future of the new Davidoff Reach Purple product is great and bright. Cigarettes with a berry-flavored crushball were successfully brought to regions, and consumers and our distributor have already liked the product very much. Thank you for the new product, I wish you success in sales.” By the start of sales of Davidoff Reach Purple, great work to prepare for it has been done in Kazakhstan. The SMO team has developed and launched a series of POS materials: memory sticks in the form of a «juicy» berry-flavored crushball, stress balls, leaflets and lighters designed specially for the new product. Incentive programs such as Sales Assistant Program and Brand Ambassador aimed at developing distribution started by the time of the launch. Sales Assistant Program is an incentive program aimed at increasing sales in outlets. Salespeople COORDINATED WORK OF OUR EMPLOYEES WITH A DISTRIBUTOR’S TEAM AND THE PROGRAMS WE LAUNCHED ALLOWED US TO COVER 85% OF OUTLETS, WHICH IS 25% MORE THAN THE TARGET! DAVIDOFF REACH BRAND AMBASSADOR AGENT+ AMBASSADOR Visiting outlets every day Agents + meet many potential Davidoff Reach consumers who could be switched to our new product. It is the Agens+ job to secure the switch and they receive prizes for the most interesting stories of how they have switched cigarette smokers to Davidoff Reach. AMBASSADOR FROM AN OFFICE The Ambassador from an Office program allows achievement of two objectives at a time: letting our employees learn about a new range of products and involving them in persuading smokers to switch to Davidoff Reach. present Davidoff Reach to smokers, and they pay attention to our new cigarettes. Each outlet has a sales target. When it is achieved, a salesperson gets bonuses. The program was first launched in May, and the pilot project was implemented in Almaty. In July sales in outlets increased by 50% due to the interest of salespeople. After success in Almaty it was decided to expand the geography of the project. Mamed Mamedov, Regional Sales Manager, Almaty: “We received positive feedback from outlets which took part in the project: salespeople were interested in implementing this program again. Despite the fact that Davidoff Reach has been sold in outlets for a short period of time, we can draw a conclusion that the product has established itself on the market, and, most importantly, consumers have already liked it.” To ensure that as many smokers as possible learn about the new product, the Brand Ambassador program was launched in Kazakhstan. The Brand Ambassador is a micro-influencer who has confidence in the brand and recommends it to his or her friends and acquaintances. A training session for participants on how to become the Davidoff Reach Brand Ambassador was conducted. The most committed employees will receive pleasant gifts for their valuable contribution to the brand development. The Империалист |  | 15