Dr. John Edmund Haggai
We talk about a “herd” of cattle
and a “gaggle” of geese. But
what is the appropriate term
for baboons – the loudest, most
aggressive, and least intelligent
of primates?
Answer: A congress! Look it up!
I can hear some of my American
friends saying, “That fits! The
people in Washington are
destroying the nation!”
But the root cause of America’s
problems isn’t Congress, or
the White House. It’s the same
problem that plagues every
nation: rebellion against God.
True – our leaders often set
a poor example. In fact, I
think that, taken together, the
members of the Washington
elite have probably broken every
one of the Ten Commandments
bar the second.
But let’s not put all the blame
on them.
rather give their daughters
condoms than challenge them
about their conduct on a date?
What about universities that
give preference to the children
of wealthy donors over young
people with higher SAT scores
but with no observable donor
What about the endemic
habit of breaking God’s
commandment to “Remember
the Sabbath day to keep it
holy”? You can read the full text
in Exodus 20:8.
The key problem in
personal relationships
today is distrust.
What about the professing
Christian mothers who would
of Christ! But be careful of
those who live in rebellion
against God. They may have
the appearance of integrity, but
they lack the ultimate chart and
compass needed for a life of
lasting effectiveness.
You can trust the person
committed to the Lordship
The wisest political leader of all
time, Solomon, hit the nail
on the head when he wrote,
“Righteousness exalts a nation,
but sin is a reproach to any
people” (Proverbs 14:34).