Impact Georgia Magazine - Regaining Momentum | Page 17

must be able to pass a reading test in braille and transcribe a manuscript into braille with a passing grade of 80 percent , which is graded by the Library of Congress . Students within the program are required to have a High School Diploma or GED , a minimum score of 10.5 in reading on the TABE test and at least 5 years to serve in order to obtain the ideal number of certifications and training . All 16 of the students who finished the recent braille course at the facility were able to pass these requirements and celebrate with a virtual graduation ceremony . The ceremony was hosted by Emanuel Women ’ s Facility and had guest speakers who were able to congratulate the offenders on their hard work and achievements .
Virtual Graduation Ceremonies have become the new way to bring students , instructors , and families together to celebrate the accomplishments of hardworking students . The ceremonies may have looked a little different this year , but the new knowledge and certificates among the agency ’ s population is a great achievement that deserves to be recognized . The GDC is extremely proud of its dedicated offenders , and is proud to celebrate them in every way possible .