In the world of education , graduation ceremonies are one of the biggest goals someone can reach . Graduation symbolizes major accomplishments such as passing classes , finishing a course or program , and gaining knowledge that not everyone else has . At the Georgia Department of Corrections ( GDC ), graduation ceremonies are held as a way to celebrate offenders who have overcame their past and have committed to learn a new skill in life . Various educational programs are held at the GDC and the agency ’ s staff and teachers took the initiative to virtually celebrate the accomplishments of 22 individuals who completed educational programs within their facilities .
The GDC ’ s first known virtual graduation ceremony took place on August 10 , 2020 to honor the students of the Mobile Welding Program . The ceremony was hosted by officials of Metro Reentry Facility and Georgia Piedmont Technical College staff who took time to congratulate the welding class on their dedication to the program . The ceremony celebrated six students who participated in a seven-week course where they were learned the fundamentals of welding in order to earn a certificate from the American Welding Society . The certificate requires close to two months of nonstop learning , 188 required lab hours and passing a national accreditation performance exam . All students who qualify for the course must have a high school diploma / GED , interest in welding , and approval from facility leadership . All six students who completed this program worked hard to earn their welding certificates and a graduation to celebrate their major accomplishment .
Another virtual gradation was held at Emanuel Women ’ s Facility on August 21 , 2020 to celebrate eight women who earned their Literary Braille certification and eight woman who completed their Braille Formatting Course . These women are now able to read and transcribe braille to create books and reading resources for the blind . In order to fully complete the program , the students