Impact Georgia Magazine - Regaining Momentum Spring 2021 | Page 24



# GDCWellnessWednesdays
“ In honor of wellness Wednesday , I ’ d like to share that in 2021 I ’ ve quit smoking / vaping and have picked up running as a hobby .”
- Levi Nopen
As we are Regaining Momentum and finding our “ new normal ,” the GDC has embarked on a mission to assist GDC employees in adopting and maintaining healthy lifestyles .
There is no better way to jump-start that initiative than by celebrating National Nutrition Month . National Nutrition Month is a campaign that promotes making informed food choices , developing healthy eating habits , and learning physical activity routines .
Throughout the last month , we partnered with Georgia Correctional Industries to provide tips on cooking , meal prepping , and exercise . These tips were able to assist GDC employees , who even shared some of their successes with us .
Commissioner Ward encourages all employees to participate in the wellness initiative to improve not only levels of physical health , but also mental , emotional , and even financial wellbeing .
Join us as we make healthy living a part of every day !
“ I am doing intermittent fasting . I ’ ve been on it for about 9 weeks . More than anything , I like intermittent fasting because your body automatically drops insulin levels at 4 hours , normalizes blood sugar at 6 hours , starts burning fat at 10 hours , goes into ketosis ( without being on a low carb diet ) at 12 hours , and enters autophagy ( cell repair ) at 14 hours . It is more about the health benefits with intermittent fasting .”
- Jennifer Irvin
** Disclaimer ** The above content is provided for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or to replace a relationship with a qualified healthcare professional . Employees should always consult with a qualified healthcare professional prior to beginning any diet or exercise program and to diagnose , treat , cure or prevent any disease , ailment or injury .