Impact Detroit Magazine Impact Detroit Magazine 2013 | Page 17
By Brenda McCants
Making The Choice and Transition to a Healthy Lifestyle Easy
uying food these days can seem almost
like playing Russian roulette. With all the
news stories we hear on a day to day basis of
the horrors of food recalls, toxic cancercausing food additives, E-coli & salmonella
out breaks, trying to find safe healthy edible
foods for your family can seem like a
daunting task. Looking at the sea of so called
healthy choices in today’s grocery market
shelves trying to find something nutritious yet
delicious, can seem like trying to find a needle
in a hay stack. With more American’s turning
towards being more health conscious many
companies are jumping on the natural & healthy
bandwagon in doing so there’s been a flood of new
products on supermarket shelves claiming to be
natural & healthy while most are anything but. Many
people unknowing grab something that says healthy or
natural without looking at the ingredients to see if it is
in fact, healthy or all natural. This ignorance is
exactly what the food companies are banking on & it’s
paying off for them royally. A product only has to
have a one naturally derived ingredient to say it
contains all natural ingredients. Clever marketing,
wording and product placement are designed to trick
the average consumer into thinking that paying a few
extra dollars for a so called healthy product is a small
price to pay for their families health. When in fact
they are being deceived, robbed blind and still not
accomplishing their goal of eating
whole health nutrient dense products. If you go
to the grocery store and just observe 95% of
consumers just put things into their buggy without so
much as looking at the back list of ingredients. Most
Americans don’t even know how to read an
ingredients list and no wonder it seems like a daunting
task, deciphering an ingredients list is more
comparable to reading a complex science
experiment than something you’re supposed to eat.
This reasoning is because most foods on
today’s shelves are like a complex
experiment. (of foodlike products).
Some products are almost completely
devoid of any nutrients, but that’s
another article. So, how do you
make sure you’re not being
deceived and you’re getting the best for
your family and dollar? You have to break free from
the crowd and know what you’re putting in your
mouth. In order to do so you must know how to
decipher that complex code of chemicals and
ingredients. You must know what’s good for you and
know what to avoid at all cost. So, I’ll break it down
for you in steps so that your next trip to your local
grocery store will be an informed one and you can
make wiser decisions for your family.
The first step is to know how much of each
ingredient is in the food you wish to consume. The
ingredients are listed in order to their proportion
included in the product. For instance in an ingredients
list of flour, milk, eggs and butter the milk would have
the most by volume included in the products, followed