Looking Back and Looking Ahead:
Strategic Plan Update
A Letter from the Co-Chairs of the Board of Directors, Bruce Fernie and Bryan A. Glinton
As Co-Chairs of the LCIS Board of Directors, our leadership
focuses on ensuring that LCIS is a high-quality school
with sound governance and finances. Each year, the
Board and Administration reflect on our progress towards
our Strategic Vision and set new goals for the coming
school year. This year, our leadership will be focused
on successfully completing the various international
accreditation and review processes as well as finalizing the
design and construction plans for the new Upper School.
As we begin taking specific steps toward these ambitious
goals, it is also important to recognize the breadth of
accomplishments that LCIS enjoyed in the 2016-17 school
Today, LCIS boasts the most highly qualified faculty in
the history of the school. Our teachers are committed to
faithfully adhering to the philosophy and programmes
of the IB continuum and to continually increasing their
knowledge and enhancing their skills. This past year was
evidence that LCIS teachers are leaders in education.
They presented at educational conferences, pursued
specialised degrees and created relationships, local and
global, that led to transformational experiences for our
students. LCIS remains deeply committed to cultivating
the best teaching practices and to helping teachers set
and reach their professional goals.
Our programmes continue to evolve in innovative ways to
meet the needs of our students, community and world.
We are a well-resourced school, with strong curriculum
and programmes evidenced in the performance of our
students. We use cutting-edge technology in the design,
assessment and reporting of performance to ensure
a smooth and productive progression through the IB
LCIS students continue to score above the US national
average for the PSAT and College Board Benchmarks in
Mathematics and Literacy. Students regularly outscore
their peers in national and international exams. This past
year, two seniors achieved the highest scores ever received
on the International Baccalaureate Diploma exam by LCIS
Our students profit from state-of-the art facilities. This
past year saw the completion of a new kitchen and the
establishment of a menu that is focused on healthy
choices. Two new classrooms were added to the ELC, a
pre-school was launched, and construction is now well
underway on the much-needed multipurpose building.
It is through your generosity that our ambitious goals
become attainable. Your volunteer hours, your feedback,
and your gifts to the Annual Fund and the Campaign
are what makes this all possible. We thank you for your
constant support and know your commitment will lead to
continued success in the future.
We invite you to join us in reflecting on the past year
and celebrating many of our students’ and teachers’
accomplishments. We are so pleased to share a few of the
many ways LCIS is achieving the goals of the Strategic
Vision to inspire, challenge, and transform the students
and school. We look forward to an ambitious future with
LCIS as a regional leader in education. Thank you, once
again, for your support.
Bruce Fernie
Co-Chair, Board of Directors
Bryan A. Glinton
Co-Chair, Board of Directors