C hildren
Cultural Awareness: As we live
in an increasingly diverse society,
the images of different groups in
the media may also present mixed
messages. “If a child is playing
with a toy that suggests a racist
or sexist meaning, part of that
meaning develops because of the
aesthetics of the toy—the color,
shape, texture of the hair,” says
Freedman. Teaching children to
recognize the choices an artist or
designer makes in portraying a
subject helps kids understand the
concept that what they see may
be someone’s interpretation of
Improved Academic Perfor-
mance: Studies show that there
is a correlation between art and
other achievement. A report by
Americans for the Arts states that
young people who participate
regularly in the arts (three hours
a day on three days each week
through one full year) are four
times more likely to be recognized
for academic achievement, to par-
ticipate in a math and science fair
or to win an award for writing an
essay or poem than children who
do not participate.
Early Art: What it
Means and How to
Encourage It
Mom and sons fingerpainting-
Toddlerhood provides a valuable
window of opportunity for kids to
learn and develop the skills they
need to succeed in life. Early lit-
eracy doesn’t just revolve around
teaching children how to recite
letters, read, and count – art can
have a profound affect on their
literacy, and development as well.
The importance of exposing kids
to art early in life is often under-
valued. But giving young children
an appreciation for art encour-
ages exploration, self expression,
logical thinking, self-esteem,
imagination, and creativity. Early
art experiences also teach kids to
think openly, create new mean-
ing, be more tolerant of others’
differences, and gives them the
courage to take risks. Here’s how
to encourage art appreciation in
your young child, and make the
most out of those crucial learning
Provide Creative Materials
“Toddlers thrive when they
create, experiment, and discover
things they enjoy,” says daycare
owner Camilla Brown. This is why
giving them access to open-end-
ed art materials is important. Art
materials in the home should be
varied and abundant. Some of
these materials can include:
After each art project, encour-
age your toddler to explore his
creation in depth by making
open-ended comments such as,
“Tell me about your painting.”
Remember, it’s the process of
creating art that young children
learn from, not the end product.
So no matter how tempting, nev-
er criticize or judge your toddler’s
Toddler art creations are messy.
So to make cleanup easier, put his
work area in a place such as the
kitchen, or a non-carpeted area of
the playroom. Cover the work-
space with newspaper, or a vinyl
tablecloth. And provide your child
with old clothes that you don’t
mind him messing up.
Since toddlers are prone to
putting things in their mouths,
always sit with your child so you
can supervise closely during art
projects and use non-toxic materi-
als. When your toddler completes
his masterpieces, hang them
around the house at his eye level
for him to enjoy.
Visit Art Museums
Art museums not only help kids
appreciate the visual aspect of
art, it helps them develop emo-
tional, verbal, and social skills.
Art museums also improve chil-
dren’s understanding of shapes,
textures, and dimensions. You can
opt for a traditional art muse-
um, or you can take your toddler
to one that caters to children.
During your visit, encourage
critical thinking in your little one
by asking him to discuss what he
observes during his visit to the
museum. You can ask, “What do
you think the artist was thinking
about when he painted this pic-
ture?” Or “Why do you think the
artist selected these colors?”
Read Wordless Picture Books
“Pictures can interpret stories,
convey meaning, communicate
ideas, and express emotion with-
out the use of words,” says early
childhood teacher Amanda Harris.
And there’s no better way to re-
inforce this than to make word-
less picture books a part of your
toddler’s book collection. When
you’re introducing wordless
books to your toddler, allow him
to examine the pictures and come
to his own conclusion about the
story being told. Some great pic-
ture book selections for toddlers
include Pancakes for Breakfast by
Tomie DePaola (Sandpiper, 1978),
and Rosie’s Walk by Pat Hutchins