IMBO Magazine Nov. 2014 | Page 29

Something that affects us as human beings and allows us to move forward. When it comes to collaboration between the press and society, The Hourly Press is definitely worth a few sentences. Here's an organisation developed by Lyn Headley and Steve Farrell using Twitter's API to track popular stories of the hour based on link sharing, either from a trusted publisher or editor (sometimes even a combination of the two). Ultimately, this service filters the “noise” allowing people to see what they, and others, find important. Headley is quoted as saying, “We're at the intersection of a more traditional, top-down editorial model and a direct democracy or crowd-edited approach,” In all honesty, the future of media is based on cooperation. Without helping each other in our quest for the truth, we have nothing more but a story crafted to put food on the table and whose table that is remains debatable. By Frederik Ferreira 29 IMBO/ ISSUE 31/ '14