Something that affects us as human beings and
allows us to move forward.
When it comes to collaboration between the
press and society, The Hourly Press is definitely
worth a few sentences. Here's an organisation
developed by Lyn Headley and Steve Farrell
using Twitter's API to track popular stories of
the hour based on link sharing, either from a
trusted publisher or editor (sometimes even
a combination of the two). Ultimately, this
service filters the “noise” allowing people to
see what they, and others, find important.
Headley is quoted as saying, “We're at the
intersection of a more traditional, top-down
editorial model and a direct democracy or
crowd-edited approach,”
In all honesty, the future of media is based on
cooperation. Without helping each other in
our quest for the truth, we have nothing more
but a story crafted to put food on the table and whose table that is remains debatable.
By Frederik Ferreira
IMBO/ ISSUE 31/ '14