IMBO Magazine Issue 32 | Page 18

A LT E R N AT I V E T H I N K I N G Dreaming of an AfriKan Christmas Kuwa na Krismasi njema. Enjoy a meal this Afrikan Christmas. T he reality for many African parents is that Westernised culture is so deeply embedded in everyday society; it can sometimes be difficult to embrace our heritage in this season of celebration. However, there still remains a unique, cultural ide ntity that continues to re-expand and reinforce pride in African culture. So with this adaptation of outside culture in mind, perhaps now would be a good time to ask: What exactly is an African Christmas? IMBO/ ISSUE 32/ '14 18 Unfortunately, the African continent is rife with poverty, meaning parents have great difficulty affording gifts for their kids. And in rural Africa there aren't too many toy stores stocking bodacious Barbie dolls or remote control cars. The presents in poorer communities usually come in the form of schoolbooks, soap, cloth, candles and other practical goods. There are over 350 million Christians living in Africa - a great motivator for people to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ in some way on the 25th of December.