IMAGE Spotlight Image Newsletter- February 2019 | Page 4

Dear Ms. Johnson:

I’m writing to tell you about my experience with Ms. Dion Crudup on Friday, February 8, 2019. I’ve been having difficulty with my insurance in getting a price estimate for my needed diagnostic mammogram with ultrasound. Ms. Crudup took the time to explain the charges and provided me with some items to ask my insurance company to help get better answers to my questions. She also explained that, if needed, I can make arrangements for a payment plan in case my out of pocket is high.

This has helped reduce my anxiety surrounding this already stressful medical situation.

Based on her help, I have decided to continue using JH radiology at Columbia rather than transfer care to Frederick Memorial Hospital as directed by Blue Cross Blue Shield of IL. I prefer to have my care close to home (I live in Ellicott City) and to continue with radiologist Dr. Kelly Clark.

Ms. Crudup’s caring professionalism was very much appreciated.

Thank you!



To my scheduling team: We could not do what we do without YOU. For this month of February, the month of love, I want to tell you just how much you are appreciated for being here and the service you provide to our callers and patients. Every day you are making a difference; whether it be scheduling a mammogram for a nervous patient awaiting her results, an MRI for a critically ill patient, a CT scan to determine the cause of a patient’s pain. You are the first person to lead that patient to an answer, and what we all hope for, also to recovery. I appreciate how much “heart” you put into what you do, and I absolutely love working with and for all of you. <3, Melissa