IM October 2024 October 2024 | Page 18

implementation still a way away , the BYOV model is a sustainable , agile way of applying autonomous capabilities that interoperate with existing fleets , software and networks ,” UFR Founder and Managing Director , Jeff Sterling , says . “ At UFR for instance , we can work with any system , any platform and any existing machine , to make it safer and more efficient , while being a greener option than abandoning current fleets .”
An example of UFR ’ s innovative capabilities has been highlighted at Gold Fields ’ Granny Smith gold mine in Western Australia . UFR ’ s team is leveraging state-of-the-art technology – and applying its own UFRautonomy™ technology stack – to convert Gold Field ’ s Epiroc MT65 trucks at the Granny Smith mine into OEM-agnostic automated haul trucks .
“ Our team acted quickly , getting the first test truck running via tele-remote control within weeks and we started on-site autonomous commissioning within seven months ,” Sterling said .
“ After successful testing in isolated mine sections , we ’ re now validating autonomous driving on the main decline during shift changes , which is a significant robotics and mining industry milestone . This means , once validated , automated trucks will be used for additional material haulage during the shift change when the mine is normally evacuated for blasting activities .
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“ This innovation has the potential to increase haulage rates by up to 15 %, allowing for continuous operation during periods that would typically be lost to pre-planned downtime , thereby significantly enhancing overall fleet utilisation and productivity .”
Sterling said the project with Gold Fields was truly exciting , as in the future the technology can be applied to various machines from different OEMs across both underground and surface haulage .
UFR has successfully collaborated with miners and technology firms to create safe , automated BYOV solutions for : n Sensing , cleaning and surveying of blast holes for underground operations ( UFR AutoPrep ); n Automated data collection systems to optimise blasting on the surface ( UFR AutoLog ); n Robotic system and arm for both refuelling and handling batteries for BEVs ( UFR AutoFuel ); n Automated underground haulage , which can be applied on the surface ( UFR Haulage ).
Minimising the footprint
Gekko has far outgrown its Victoria-based roots , with a number of its products now being used to make the most of existing mineral reserves and resources and , thereby , minimise a mine ’ s operational footprint . Its InLine Leach Reactor ( ILR ) recently achieved notable success at Barrick Gold Corporation ’ s Bulyanhulu Gold Mine in Tanzania , achieving recovery rates of more than 99 %.
Before acquiring the ILR , Bulyanhulu metallurgical staff realised they were not treating a large fine gold component . This led them to Gekko ’ s ILR which can handle all the size ranges from very fine to very coarse . After starting up the ILR , they were achieving 99 % - plus recovery treating all the gold , including the fine component that was previously removed in the desliming step .
Gekko says the ILR ’ s efficient design and mineral leaching
chemistry have led to high gold recovery rates , offering a significant boost to production efficiency . It explained : “ With its ability to be easily retrofitted into existing gravity circuits , the ILR presents a promising opportunity for enhanced production and profitability in the gold mining industry , especially amidst the backdrop of strong gold prices .”
The Gekko Carbon Scout , which Gekko describes as a ground-breaking innovation in real-time gold processing technology , is another solution within its offering that is experiencing increased interest , highlighted by recent purchases from Ravenswood Gold and OceanaGold ( Macraes operation ).
The Carbon Scout is a self-contained sampling system that , Gekko says , improves gold processing by providing real-time measurements of crucial parameters such as pH , dissolved oxygen , and gold concentration in carbon-inleach and carbon-in-pulp circuits .
The company says : “ A standout feature of the Carbon Scout is its ability to accurately measure carbon density within the pulp , with an impressive precision of ± 0.5 grams per litre . This data enables operators to automate carbon movement , optimising distribution and enhancing gold recovery processes . The device ’ s adoption by major players underscores the importance of real-time data analysis and quick decision making to ensure sites are not losing any gold to the tailings dam .”
Finally , by leveraging separation techniques and implementing pre-concentration measures to reduce initial mass , Gekko says its streamlined gravity-based processes not only boost the grade for downstream intensive processing but also maximises the recovery of precious minerals like gold .
It added : “ Traditionally , grinding ore to fine particles has been considered essential for optimal recovery rates . However , Gekko ’ s gamechanging continuous gravity recovery device – the continuous InLine Pressure Jig ( IPJ ) – has changed this thinking . The IPJ efficiently separates coarse mineral-bearing particles and gangue from the feed material without the need for extensive grinding , consistently delivering exceptional recovery rates .”
South32 ’ s Hermosa base metals project in Arizona , USA , has been looking to design a modern mine with a reduced footprint , and recently contracted Australia-based Glencore Technology to help with this endeavour .
The company plans to use a Jameson Concentrator from the METS company for its lead-zinc flowsheet , marking the second Jameson Concentrator installation in North America .
“ The operation of a Jameson Concentrator needs very few people and it ’ s easy to operate ,” Glencore Technology ’ s Director of Growth and
16 International Mining | OCTOBER 2024