JENNCHEM to expand its manufacturing capabilities , product offerings and better serve its customers throughout the US .
" We are excited to add Burrell ’ s products to our portfolio . This acquisition will allow us to better serve our customers and further enhance our position in the various markets we serve ," said Drew Morgan , Chief Operating Officer of JENNCHEM .
" We are thrilled to announce the addition of The CAN , Burrell ' s iconic product , to Jennchem ' s portfolio of standing support products . We would like to express our thanks to Burrell for their help with ensuring this smooth transition ,” said Tony Calandra , Group President of Frank Calandra , Inc . ( FCI ) and Calandra Group , LLC .
“ Jennchem ’ s success as an industry leader will ensure more opportunities for Burrell ’ s customers and employees . Our staff has long been the foundation of our success and we wish them the best in their new partnership ,” added Bob Weil , Burrell ’ s CEO .
The terms of the acquisition were not disclosed . JENNCHEM will integrate the acquired assets into its existing operations . The CAN ® is a yieldable secondary roof support made from a confined core of cementitious composite , encased in a cylindrical steel canister , which resembles a can . Burrell has stated that the CAN ® handles mine floor heaving and roof sag better than any other type of support available today . “ The CAN ® is flexible in design in that it can be engineered to meet mine-specific load conditions regardless if the adverse conditions are induced by the roof or the floor . The simple 1- piece design of the CAN ® installs quickly using a mine scoop or similar piece of equipment . The smooth steel skin of the CAN ® improves ventilation and promotes air flow by reducing resistance in the mine entry . When installed correctly , The CAN ® has never failed .”
Minova innovation for blasthole stabilisation
Mining operations need open blastholes to allow charging with explosives . If these holes are blocked after drilling they must be cleared ; the process is often manual and strenuous and has a risk of injury to workers . In an ever-increasing number of cases due to complications with ground conditions , the blastholes must be redrilled for the production blasting to continue to plan . This practice is both disruptive to the mining operation and excessively expensive , resulting in higher mining costs .
Over the years , many alternatives have been looked at to resolve or reduce the problem , but generally mine operations return to the only ( to date ) workable solution , which is to resort to redrilling the holes . Underground mines typically drill rings of production blast holes which can be left open and uncharged for long periods of time , sometimes up to 12 months . In favourable ground conditions , newly drilled blast holes are generally very strong ( due to their circular shape ) however , over time holes can partially collapse and become blocked .
This is exacerbated by unfavourable geology , stress and vibration from adjacent blasting , which leads to fretting of blastholes and displacement of rock wedges or shards , blocking the hole . In extremely unfavourable ground conditions , this deterioration and blockage can occur within a very short time following drilling . The other concern with blocked blastholes is they often occur in areas too close to the active mining zone to enable redrills , resulting in abandoned blastholes , which in turn lead to fragmentation issues .
Abandonment or re-drill of the effected holes results in significant additional costs for the mine , due to significant disruption to normal production drilling ; loss of drilling capacity , and / or poor fragmentation . In each case , the result is a loss of production capacity for the mine .
Minova is currently developing a blasthole stabilisation system which presently utilises existing equipment technology ( adapted and developed for underground mining applications ) utilising Minova resin products , which can be routinely applied in cycle and in shift , to support the blasthole with minimal reduction in diameter . To date , trials have been undertaken , or are
For more information , reach us at : info @ macleanengineering . com
48 International Mining | AUGUST 2023