Codelco ’ s carbon calculator
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After declaring its sustainable development commitments to 2030 , among which the reduction of 70 % of its carbon footprint stands out , and announcing carbon neutrality by 2050 , the largest copper producer in the world Codelco has taken a new step by developing – together with the Inter-American Development Bank ( IDB ), the Corporación Alta Ley and the Association of Industrial Mining Suppliers ( Aprimin ) – a free-to-use platform for supplier companies to calculate their greenhouse gas ( GHG ) emissions . Measuring , managing and minimising the carbon footprint of the inputs and products it receives from mining suppliers is the objective of this Codelco project , which will provide to the industry a measurement platform that it says until now has not been available for the mining sector .
“ As the main Chilean state-owned company and the largest producer of a key raw material for the leading trends of sustainable society , such as electromobility and different clean energy generating systems , we have the responsibility to promote this commitment throughout our value chain and join the supply companies so that together we can move forward reducing greenhouse gas emissions ,” comments Codelco ’ s Vice President of Public Affairs and Sustainability , Renato Fernández . The projection is that , in the near future , this carbon footprint calculator , which in the second half of 2022 will be available on a free platform , will allow positive discrimination against those suppliers that have lower footprints and GHG emissions into the atmosphere .
“ The mining team of the Inter-American Development Bank , with funding from the Government of Sweden , has supported the Government of Chile in formulating a guide for the measurement of emissions in the copper mining supply chain . Within the framework of the piloting efforts of this methodology , and of our Vision 2025 for the development of the region , we celebrate the Codelco initiative and actions for the decarbonisation of the mining sector . Public knowledge about effective strategies for reducing carbon emissions and building resilience through smart sustainable procurement practices is critical to meeting climate goals ,” said Martin Walter , Infrastructure and Energy Specialist at the Inter-American Development Bank ( IDB ).
The CO 2 calculator for mining products and services developed by Codelco will be available to all suppliers in the industry , as well as to other companies in the sector , which will allow progress in the measurement and reduction of Scope 3 GHG emissions ( indirect emissions that occur in the value chain of a company ) of large mining companies . “ Being part of this initiative represents a great opportunity for mining suppliers , as it constitutes a concrete way to contribute to the commitments of the industry ,” said Sergio Hernández , Executive Director of Aprimin .
This pioneering and free tool will be offered through a user-friendly web platform with confidential information . Suppliers must enter their information parameters related to energy consumption , fossil fuels and transport services associated with the production and supply of their goods and / or services , and will obtain their respective carbon footprint . This calculation , which will be private information , will help them to measure , challenge and set their own goals to reduce their footprint .
“ Additionally , this initiative will allow supplier companies to differentiate themselves and have their efforts to reduce GHG emissions recognised as part of their attributes , further enhancing the development programs of this key segment in the value chain of the mining industry . We want to promote and enhance the business and technological capabilities of our suppliers so that they are seen , valued and selected by the large national and international mining companies , generating sustainable productive chains over time ,” added Víctor Pérez , Director of Green Mining and Leader of the Alta Ley project .
In this way , Codelco , together with the IDB , Alta Ley and Aprimin say they will contribute , “ by adding a new tool for many small , medium and large suppliers linked to mining to join the global challenge of moving to a low-carbon economy and achieving the country ’ s goal of being carbon neutral by 2050 .”
The move is a progression from previous work . In 2020 , Codelco together with the Scientific and Technological Investigations Dept at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile ( Dictuc ) had conducted a life cycle inventory assessment for Codelco ' s copper production . Codelco said at the time : “ This helped us to identify the main GHG emission sources for each of our operations including direct emissions ( Scope 1 ), indirect ( Scope 2 ) and from purchased goods and services ( scope 3 ). This study allowed us to observe in more detail our scope 3 emissions , identifying actions to implement improvements with our suppliers of higher impact goods such as grinding balls , linings , lime , diesel , oil lubricants , explosives and tyres .”
Paul Moore Editorial Director paul @ im-mining
MAY 2022 | International Mining 3