The new Multotec SC25 spiral concentrator has shown significantly higher metal recoveries for minus 1 mm fractions in ferrochrome slag when compared to traditional spirals
the largest LFCUs designed to date and will separate very fine magnetite from silica , alumina and other contaminates . The stable density and feed controls are benefits to the process , but the main benefit to MT ’ s customer is the fine particle separation with much less water than competing technologies require .
Elsewhere , MT ’ s new range of modular plants provide fast , cost-effective process solutions for mining operations worldwide . “ Incorporating robust design reflecting 80 years ’ engineering experience , modular plants are ideally sized for road , rail and ocean freight making them easily transportable to site . Once on site , MT ’ s modular plants are quick to assemble and can be operating in up to half the time required for conventionally constructed plants .” Modular plant designs featured in MT ’ s tailings recovery solutions to the chrome industry in Southern Africa including plants for Samancor . These designs incorporate the latest wet high intensity magnetic ( WHIMS ) technology . Providing an alternative to mining more feed material , the WHIMS plants process existing waste streams from current operations , essentially recovering what the conventional plants leave behind .
The new HTR400 is an expansion of the MT electrostatic separation range delivering increased throughput , next generation technology and greater flexibility in configuration with superior throughput as well as improved usability and ease of maintenance . " These machines have been developed to offer additional sensor adoption and through IoT connected devices they can be setup to offer a live dashboard to the operator ’ s mobile device for key setpoint prompts and optimisation recommendation messages . Coupled with a glass less composite material electrodes the cost of spares and fragile damage in traditional electrodes is overcome and far safer to store and maintain without compromise to performance ."
MT is currently delivering the first shipment of 21 HTR400 machines to a mineral sands customer in India .
Finally , MT told IM it is working with research alliance partners University of Technology Sydney ( UTS ) and Innovative Manufacturing CRC ( IMCRC ) to research solutions that will revolutionise the way mining products are manufactured by using additive manufacturing , or 3D printing as it ’ s more commonly known . The end goal of the alliance is to allow Mineral Technologies to manufacture bespoke models for mineral separation spirals , sent directly to a 3D printer solution . The commercial benefits include the ability to print on site and in real time which will ultimately deliver savings in both time and money . " We are excited about the opportunities that our alliance and this particular research project will help to deliver . Beyond commercial benefits are the positive environmental impacts such as decreasing the need for chemicals and reducing air contamination in the manufacturing process ," said de Andrade .
Multotec ’ s new SC25 spiral
Looking at another gravity-based technology , following years of detailed test work in the ferrochrome sector , Multotec has successfully developed and proven a spiral concentrator that
eliminates beaching and enhances recoveries in the 1 mm to 3 mm fractions of high density material .
Significantly , when compared to traditional spirals the new spiral has shown extraordinarily higher metal recoveries , even for minus 1 mm fractions in ferrochrome slag .
“ Our SC25 spiral concentrator features steeper angles which facilitate the flow of material and increase separation efficiency ,” says Hlayisi Baloyi , Applications Engineer at Multotec .
“ It also widens the particle size range that can be treated by the spiral . Traditionally , spirals would struggle to efficiently treat material above 1 mm in heavy mineral applications , but this spiral can go well beyond that . The spiral has been a game changer even for the minus 1mm size range where higher separation efficiencies have been achieved on chromite ore .”
Baloyi says that this innovation has provided the minerals processing sector with an exciting alternative to jigs in the minus 3 to plus 1 size range , which have been one of the conventional methods of separating larger particles . The solution is cost effective as spirals use no electricity , and are also easy to maintain . So attractive is the new model that the first order for the commercialised version has already been placed .
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APRIL 2021 | International Mining 49