IM 2021 April 21 | Page 54

Air-cooled magnet options include the STEINERT UME with an extremely strong and far-reaching magnetic field designed for high bed depths and small tramp metal
STEINERT magnets use coils made of anodised ANOFOL ® aluminium strip , which it says provide the highest efficiency and quality . ANOFOL ® is part of the STEINERT group and supplies these highest-quality aluminium strips exclusively for STEINERT magnets . As a result , the magnets are lighter and more energy-efficient than magnets with traditional copper coils .
Aside from tramp removal , STEINERT wet drum magnetic separators are used in the fine grain range from 1 μm up to 3,000 μm ( 0.001-3 mm ) to separate magnetic particles from process liquids , sludges or emulsions . Their strong magnetic fields enable the efficient separation of magnetite or ferrosilicon from the wet medium . Either a combination of the STEINERT HGF matrix separator and STEINERT NTS wet drum magnetic separator or with extreme throughputs the large STEINERT WDS drum separator can be used depending on the grain size , the levels of ferromagnetic particles and the required throughput . The applications range from processing heavy solutions from flotation or sink / float separation , iron ore beneficiation through to the cleaning of process water from degreasing baths or coolants . The processing objective here can be both the recovery of valuable iron particles and the avoidance of disruptive iron particles , eg upstream of membrane or ultra-filtration .
In 2020 , the company opened a new test and development centre in Pulheim , Germany , the company to introduce additional sorting lines for mining and waste recycling . The new lines have been installed in an effort to better achieve the company ’ s aspiration of “ test before you buy .” By opening the new building , the company has trebled its testing capacity , allowing it to be more flexible in responding to customer demands . “ The processing sequence deployed in the sorting systems is the same as that used in a real industrial plant ,” Peter Funke , CEO of the Steinert Group , said . “ We are delighted that even more customers can try out our technology , from magnetic separators to sensor-based sorting systems , such as X-ray transmission , X-ray fluorescence and near-infrared ( NIR ).”
Mineral Technologies – still innovating at 80
A global leader in gravity separation , Mineral Technologies ( MT ) says it leads the way in equipment design and manufacture , metallurgical testing and process plant design .
Presenting at a recent company-wide event to celebrate MT ’ s 80 years , General Manager , Alex de Andrade said that innovation was core to MT ’ s success . “ Our strong innovation focus has ensured that we have consistently delivered ground-breaking new technologies to help our
Mineral Technologies Mobile Mining Unit ( MMU ) customers improve their global mineral processing operations . As we enter our next 80 years our team is delivering some of the most significant new technologies in the industry .”
He went on to outline latest developments in modular plants , mobile mining units , innovative surge bin technology and 3D printing . Mobile Mining Units ( MMU ) represent a highperformance solution , and have been designed by MT for mining sites where traditional mining or dredging is not an option , or not cost effective . The technology delivers improvements in availability , orebody yields , throughput and overall mineral recovery . Suited to sand environments that include organics such as tree roots , light clay and soft or friable rock , MMUs can reduce operating costs by eliminating the need for conventional truck and shovel mining . MMUs have recently been delivered to a world leading chemical company in North America , Chemours . The MMUs are extracting difficult to reach mineral sand deposits where traditional mining methods didn ’ t stack up as the best business case . The MMUs provide a far safer and substantially reduced cost per ton solution compared to other options such as truck and shovel mining .
He also cited another proven innovation from the MT process engineering team in the form of the Lyons Feed Control Unit ( LFCU ) which proudly bears the name of development team leader John Lyons . The LFCU delivers world ’ s best practice in feed control technology . Manufactured exclusively by MT , the LFCU is an advanced , technologydriven , smart surge bin . It ’ s use in mineral sands plants worldwide has resulted in consistent slurry density at the LFCU discharge point despite large fluctuations in feed flowrate and density into the bin . Initially designed for mineral sands , MT ’ s latest LFCUs are being delivered to a major iron ore producer in Western Australia . These will be
48 International Mining | APRIL 2021