the E series is set for launch which will share more
of the R100E architecture. As the R60E and R70E
are introduced, the D series versions will be scaled
BELAZ reflects on a busy 2019
In 2019, 849 units of BELAZ equipment were sold:
796 units of mining dump trucks, 9 units of
underground vehicles and 44 units of special-
purpose equipment. The total export volume
exceeded $727 million and according to this
indicator 2019 can be included in the top five most
successful years in the history of the company.
The leading position in the total volume of
shipments went to three truck classes: 110-130 t –
27%, 220-240 t – 24% and 45 t – 13%. The overall
share of these classes of payload capacity made
up 64% overall. The best-selling single model of
mining dump truck on the global market is the
BELAZ 75131 which accounts for 23% of the total
sales of equipment. The main sales market for
company is still the Russian Federation at 593
units sold in 2019 for over $550 million.
BELAZ says it offers consumers not only a
competitive product, but also flexible pricing,
attractive delivery terms and a two-year extended
warranty, plus the possibility of procuring
machines through leasing and outsourcing. The
company does have autonomous trucks running in
Russia at SUEK coal operations that have been
equipped by Zyfra Mining (VIST Group) of which
more is outlined in the standalone article this
month on independent autonomy providers.
Looking in more detail at the home Russian
market and the wider CIS market, sales include a
new fleet of 180 t trucks to Eurochem’s Kovdorsky
GOK in Murmansk region to replace the older
fleet; plus six units of BELAZ 75180 mining dump
trucks of 180 t dispatched to Apatit JSC’s
Vostochny mine, which is a payload class scale up
for that operation. The BELAZ 75313 mining dump
truck of 240 t payload capacity is also a new
model for the fleet operated by EVRAZ while the
BELAZ 75307 mining dump truck of 220 t class
was a new addition for SSGPO in Kazakhstan and
Sibanthracite in Russia. A batch of BELAZ 76135
water-sprinkling vehicles with a tank volume of
119 m 3 has also been dispatched to Ukraine.
Going further afield, the second batch of haul
trucks of 136 t class, the BELAZ 75137, was
recently shipped to India. The shipment included
eight trucks and followed the first batch that was
shipped to India in January 2020. The vehicles are
part of a major contract for the delivery of 77 haul
trucks. BELAZ and Coal India signed the contract
in October 2019. The construction of a
maintenance centre for BELAZ trucks continues in
the immediate vicinity of the Gevra coal mine near
Korba, where the haul trucks will be used, and
buildings are already nearing completion.
According to the agreements with Coal India,
40 International Mining | APRIL 2020
BELAZ will supply
It was another good year for BELAZ in
spare parts and
2019, shipping no less than 796 mining
trucks of which 593 were bound for the
provide eight years
Russian market
of maintenance
Looking at the
wider market, haul
trucks of the 7513
series like the
Indian 75137 units
remain popular
with mining
companies all over
the world.
Staying in Asia,
BELAZ successfully
works in Indonesian market and over the past four
Mongolia North Hauler (NHL) last year delivered
years, more than 50 dump trucks with a carrying
30 units of its 236 t class electric drive NTE240
capacity of 110-130 t have been shipped there and
model and 20 units of the mechanical drive 91 t
have coped well in the often challenging climatic
TR100A model to Mongolia’s Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi
conditions. In the Mongolian market BELAZ this
(ETT) site. And it is going to deliver more trucks
year will supply to Mongolian partners at least 40-
there this year, though currently shipments
50 units of equipment with a carrying capacity of
around China for NHL and others are severely
110-130 t, as well as possibly heavier 220 t
restricted due to the COVID-19 virus situation.
machines. A year ago 130 t BELAZ trucks were
In November 2019, China’s latest large mining
delivered to the Vietnam market for the first time
truck model, the 240 t payload CR240E with
and are also showing good results and very high
electric drive from CRRC Datong in Shanxi
availability based on the results of operation.
Province, started industrial tests in the Qidashan
Moving to Latin America and two years ago
Iron Deposit of Ansteel Group Mining Co Ltd. The
BELAZ registered a subsidiary in Chile, and last
initial testing program includes the half-load test,
year, after an eight year break, made the first
routine test, heavy-duty test and so on, which is
deliveries of the 90 t BELAZ 75581 dump trucks to
expected to last for one year. This version of the
the country so potential customers in Peru,
truck rolled off the line at CRRC Datong in June
Argentina, Bolivia and elsewhere can now see
2019, though an earlier version was produced by
these trucks performing well in their own region.
CRRC in Beijing back in 2017.
Of course, this market has its own requirements: it
The model was independently developed by
requires vehicles adapted to the difficult
CRRC Datong Electric Locomotive Co Ltd. The core
conditions of mines located at an altitude of 3,500
components and key technologies have been
m and above.
domestically produced. The company says it has
BELAZ has developed a program for the active
adopted advanced dual fuel engine technology
distribution of its 90 t dump trucks to the global
and a reliable electric drive system. The truck has
market and in five years is aiming to reach 20% of
a maximum speed of 57 km/h. The specifications
the market in this class of truck from the current
from CRRC for the truck show it having the option
figure of 6.3%. The innovative 90 t
BELAZ 7558 was the first electric
drive truck in this class, being
equipped with an AC electric
drive, which has proved its
competitiveness in the mines of
Russia and other countries such
as Uzbekistan and Bosnia.
The Chinese market
As usual IM caught up with some
key players in the Chinese mining
truck market, and this issue also
includes an in-depth standalone
article on Xiangtan-based XEMC
based on a 2019 visit. Talking
about other players there have been more
interesting developments. Market leader Inner
The new 240 t payload CR240E with electric
drive from CRRC Datong in Shanxi Province