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Beating the Cyber-Bullying Effect

It hits like a brick wall falling on top of you the first time you see something written about you on-line .
Maybe you know who posted it , maybe you don ’ t . Maybe it ’ s true , maybe it isn ’ t .
What is true is that this kind of bullying can leave you feeling alone , humiliated , alienated , numb in your legs , angry , scared , depressed , devastated , tortured , and even physically sick .
Bullying used to be simple to recognize , simple to tell who the bully was , and once the bullying was over , it was over , at least until the next time .
Today , it ’ s a different story . With the creation of the internet and the many devices


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that can be used to create , store , manipulate and disseminate incredible amounts of hurtful and embarrassing information across nearly limitless numbers of people in an instant without the person being talked about even knowing about it , the impact can be absolutely devastating . The whole process is diabolical .
Being the victim of cyber-bullying can be overwhelming . What are you supposed to do when you are the victim of this kind of bullying ?
So many questions and thoughts and emotions rush through your mind .
In this article , we are going to give you some answers .
“ How can I ever show my face again ?”
More than anything else , it is important to do exactly that . Walk down the hall , go to class , go out , and do it with your head held high . You are still a good person and one who has value , no matter what is said about you . Don ’ t let the destructive things that people say about you define you or control how you will live your life .
“ What if everyone believes what they say about me ?”
At the deepest level , as long as you know the truth – that is all that is important . Really ! I know it is really hard to learn that others believe something about us that is not true , but dig down deep and focus on you – not on what others are thinking .
“ When I read that I am worthless . Maybe I am .”
No , you are not worthless . In fact , just the opposite . Think about the kind of person you are . Think about the good things you have done . There are many . If you cannot think of them , ask a friend to help you think of them .
“ What should I do when I see them ?”
When confronted – look them in the eye but don ’ t glare and keep walking . You aren ’ t looking for a confrontation where you can be hurt or further humiliated , but you also don ’ t want to always be hiding . Your first concern is your physical safety , aside from that , your goal is to disengage from the bully .
“ Why did I do that ? If I hadn ’ t done what they say I did , none of this would be happening .”
Every one of us does something that we regret from time to time . I know I have done things I have regretted more often than I want to remember . We all do the things we do for a reason , based on the situation and based on what we know at the time . Sometimes we are ok with it , sometimes , not . – you are not alone in this .
Focus on the future – not on what has already happened . You can ’ t change what has already happened , but you can make decisions that will make your future a bright one .
Remember , you are not to blame for the bullying , even if you did something wrong . Bullying is only the fault of the bully .
“ Will this ever end ? There are so many people who have seen what they posted about me , I will never escape .”
It will end . It might take a while , but it will end and you will go on and lead a happy full life . You deserve that . Let this strengthen you , not destroy you . You have power you don ’ t even know is there . While this is truly an extremely challenging situation , you have deep inside you , the ability to make it through and live a happy life .
“ Everyone is talking about me . Even when I walk down the hall , I hear them whispering .”
Consider that whatever people are saying or thinking about you as a result of cyber-bullying are merely the thoughts and words of ignorant people .
Let them say and think what they want . It is not fair and it is not right , but you will not be beaten Think about some of the famous people you know of who have done something very wrong or embarrassing and have been dragged through the media throughout the country and sometimes the world . See how they continue on and even come back stronger than ever .
Source : Transitions Mental Health Services – www . transmhs . org