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WHAT IS HEROIN? Photo source: What is Heroin? Teen Heroin Use Statistics Teen Heroin Use Although heroin use by teens is much less than their misuse of prescription drugs and alcohol use, it is still important to be aware of. This article discusses statistics on teen heroin use, as well as effects, warning signs, and treatment for teen heroin use. Heroin - What It Is Heroin is an illegal (Schedule 1) narcotic, meaning it has no currently accepted use in medical treatment, is illegal, and has a high risk of abuse. It is related the prescription medications called codeine, morphine, Oxycontin, and Vicodin. Heroin is a morphine derivative, stronger than its source, and is semisynthetic. If heroin is not available, a user may substitute one of the other related drugs. Heroin is physically addictive. 4710 W. Main St. • Decatur, IL 217-428-8044 Home Improvem ent “We are proud to help improve our youths life & keep them ABUSE FREE!” 28 The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported in February 2011 that in 1999 through 2007, unintentional death from heroin use was almost flat (although deaths from cocaine use and opioid analgesics were rising overall, which seemed to indicate heroin use that was not increasing. In addition, the 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey (YRBS) from the CDC report shows that lifetime heroin use (at least 1 time) was at 1.7 percent for girls and 3.2 percent for boys, less than meth use (3.3/4.7 for boys and girls respectively), cocaine use (5.3/7.3), notably less than prescription drug abuse (19.8/20.4) or marijuana use (34.3/39.0), and dramatically less than alcohol use (74.2/70.8). But CBS reported in 2009 that heroin abuse among teens is on the rise. The CBS report points to its relative cheapness as a factor in its increased use and its greater purity (which makes it more powerful) as a factor in the deaths it causes. They also point to a trend towards younger users, stating that in an unidentified survey, more 8th graders than 12 graders had tried heroin within the past 12 months. The CBS report may be supported by the 2009 National Survey on Drug Use and Health from SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services, Administration), which states that significantly more people tried heroin for the first time in 2009 than from 2002 to 2008 (without identifying their age). However, the SAMHSA data shows that heroin is highly unlikely to be the first illicit drug used by those over age 12 who have used illicit drugs, accounting for less than a tenth of a percent of first time uses (marijuana accounted for 59.1%). | Illinois Winter 2014 | yread.drugabu Photo source: eas Photo source: Teen Heroin Use Effects Especially because of the increased purity, overdose is not uncommon, and can be fatal. For those who live to go on using, heroin is addictive, and any method of use may lead to addiction in nearly a quarter of users, but other effects of heroin partly depend on how it is used. Heroin may be injected, smoked, or inhaled through the nose. Injecting heroin can lead to Hepatitis C or HIV and - among chronic users - lead to collapsed veins, heart infections, and problems with the kidneys and liver. For the chronic user, withdrawal may be severe and the accompanying cravings may be dramatic. While for most people withdrawal takes days, for some, the symptoms may last for months, and cravings may persist for years. Source: