Continued from page 34
Mosh: How was your time playing in
Soulfly with Max Cavalera?
T.C.: Soulfy was great; I had a blast. The real-
ly cool thing with those guys is that they are
constantly working, they’re constantly out
there doing shows. They like to work as much
as I do. I got to play some of that old
Sepultura stuff with Max and getting to do
the entire Roots record with him and his
brother Igor, that was unbelievable that I got
to do that. I’ve been really lucky, man. A lot of
the gigs I’ve gotten have been with bands and
people I would’ve chopped my left nut off to
play with! People who were my heroes grow-
ing up.
Kevin M Buck is
accepting students
for a limited time! Mosh: How hard was it to capture the origi-
nal spirit of the band? How did you go about
creating the music around Wayne’s vocals,
while still keeping the Static-X flavor?
T. C.: You just have to put your mindset back
to those early days of the band and how we
wrote things. And coincidently, the way we
found all the material, particularly those
demos I initially got, was really basic stuff,
like a riff or two and a drum program. That’s
exactly how Wayne would bring in ideas to
the rehearsal space, and that’s how we wrote
all the songs that ended up on *Wisconsin
Death Trip*. So, in a way, it was kind of like
working with Wayne again. Because he
would initiate the ideas and then we’d all get
in there and jam stuff out. The way the songs
came together was almost like the way the
songs came together for Wisconsin Death Trip.
All ages, all styles, all skill levels –
studio in Lockport, Illinois. Mosh: Will there be any new tracks intro-
duced into the setlist on this tour?
T.C.: We’re experimenting with one of the
Become a Master of the Guitar
[email protected]
(708) 655-3882
52 july 2019
songs I think we can pull off. It’ll be one of the
songs that Wayne didn’t sing vocals on, that
we don’t have vocal tracks for. We had our
touring vocalist, Xer0, track on it and it
sounds pretty good. So we’re rehearsing it,
and we’ll see if it makes the final setlist.
Mosh: As for "Xer0,” do you plan to keep his
persona anonymous?
T.C.: It’s not like we’re trying to make it be
like “Here’s Static-X with a new singer.” We
don’t want it to be like a Van-Hagar situation.
We don’t want the focus to be on the new
singer. So, we’re keeping him anonymous.
For us, it’s about remembering all the good
times we had with the original band and
remembering Wayne. And keeping the vocal-
ist anonymous helps with that. Sure, people
are speculating who this guy is, and that’s
kind of fun, but I think, mainly, the focus is on
the band, the anniversary, and remembering
Mosh: What will happen to Static-X’s after
this tour?
T.C.: Right now, we’re just in the moment
trying to do this as best as we can for the fans,
the memory of Wayne and for us. We’re just
enjoying reconnecting and playing these
songs again, and just playing together after so
many years. After it’s said and done, if it’s
something the fans want to keep seeing, I’m
certainly not opposed to it.
Into the Depths of Veracity (Unique Leader
Records), Catalyst The Great Purpose of the
Lords* (Great Dane Records), Wretched Fate
Fleshletting (Redefining Darkness).