Illinois Chess Bulletin Julio - Agosto 2002 | Page 6

President Podium The ICA provides several key functions in Illinois. These functions include: • • • • • • • Governance Tournaments and titles Documentation and advertising Tournament calendar and clearinghouse Illinois tour Scholastic programs Other key programs, (Illinois Banquet, etc.) Although the Illinois Chess Association does not directly run the grade school and high school championships, it does confer the titles awarded in those events. ICA will sometimes also run other tournaments, for example, in 2000 it ran the All Grade state championship, in which the champion for each grade is determined. So EVERY CLUB in Illinois should realize that this organization is here to serve you. It is one of the best ways to advertise your events, because many of the most active tournament players in Illinois are members of the ICA. It is also a way that clubs can document their history. Want to document who won the club championship in 2001? Write a story and provide a couple of games for the Illinois Chess Bulletin, and the results will be documented. Governance The ICA is also a governance organization. Did your son or daughter win the K-3 chess championship? Well the title is official only because the ICA recognizes it as such. Because the ICA is the official Illinois state affiliate of USCF, that is one of our functions. The ICA either holds tournaments or recognizes the winners of specific events as the Illinois Champions. The ICA also serves as a political tool within USCF. A little more than a year ago USCF made a substantial increase in Tournament Life Announcement rates. The ICA, acting in concert with other key organizers, helped to negotiate a less significant increase in those rates. While this increase was still significant, the ICA is seen as one of the most active state associations and is therefore very representative of the will of chessplayers. The ICA can be a very effective way for organizers to increase their political voice. Tournaments and Titles The ICA holds at least two tournaments annually, the Illinois Open, and the Illinois Class. The Illinois Open crowns the state champion, and at 250 players is the most important “statewide” perennial tournament. 6 Documentation and Advertising ICA is also the primary means for Illinois tournaments to enter the historical record. It also is a great way to advertise tournaments to active tournament players. Both of these functions are accomplished primarily through the Illinois Chess Bulletin. The Illinois Chess Bulletin thrives on publishing Illinois Chess news, whether a major tournament, minor tournament, or a club event. If you want to document your tournament, send an article to the editor of the Illinois Chess Bulletin The article will be even better if you can include a photo and games from the even. Although we are happy to accept any format, please keep in mind that formatting and producing a 64 page magazine on a part-time basis is a tremendous undertaking. Therefore, we can save work, and cut down on errors, if you submit the article, games, and photos in an electronic format. Instructions on how to do this are available elsewhere in the magazine, or online at The ICA provides organizers a means to advertise tournaments. It does this in four ways: 1. We include a tournament calendar both in the ICB and online at This calendar often includes local events that might not be included in Chess Life, because the organizer may have been trying to save dollars on tournament advertising. Being listed on the ICA calendar is free, and if your club is an ICA affiliate, details may also be listed for free. Illinois Chess Bulletin