International Junior Golf Academy is the oldest, independent strength & conditioning training, college planning +
junior golf academy in the nation with over 20 years of placement – round out the whole person, providing today’s
tradition, boasting one of the finest golf training facilities student-athletes with the resources, tools and peer group to
of any junior golf academy in the United States. Situated be successful, not only in golf, but in life.
within the world-renowned community of Hilton Head
Island / Bluffton on the East Coast of South Carolina, the With over $52 million awarded in college scholarships to the
intimate campus setting of IJGA provides student-athletes nation’s top universities to play at the collegiate level and
with easy access to state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor 20+ student-athletes who have advanced through the ranks
training facilities, top-quality instruction led by a world-class to play on the world’s stage including 2 major championship
coaching team, and in partnership with quality schools who wins, the Academy has over 1,000 alumni ambassadors
support student-athletes in their pursuit to achieve personal, around the world who are proud to call IJGA home …
collegiate and professional goals. Tutoring sessions, ESL YOU BELONG HERE!
classes, character & leadership program, mental training,