IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 57

Rulebook 102_127.qxp 9/29/2010 3:07 PM Page 5 ANNEX 4 - DUTIES OF THE OFFICIALS A4.1 - INCAPACITATED REFEREE OR LINESMAN - BEFORE THE GAME If, for any reason, the appointed Referees or Linesmen are prevented from appearing, the team leaders shall agree on a replacement Referee and/or Linesman. If they are unable to agree, the Proper Authorities shall appoint the officials. A4.2 - INCAPACITATED REFEREE OR LINESMAN - DURING THE GAME d) At the first stoppage of play he shall cause to be announced over the public address system the reason for not allowing a goal. e) He shall measure any equipment at his own discretion or if requested by the Captain of either team (Rule 260) f) He shall order the teams on the ice at the appointed time for the beginning of ay period. g) He shall face-off the puck at the beginning of each period and after a goal has been scored. a) If a Referee leaves the ice or is injured, the Linesman or other Referee shall stop the play, unless one team has a scoring opportunity. A4.6 - THREE MAN SYSTEM, REFEREE DUTIES b) If the Referee is unable to continue to officiate, one of the Linesmen shall perform the Referee's duties. He shall be selected by the Referee Supervisor, the Referee or, if necessary, by the team leaders. a) The Referee shall secure the Official Game Sheet from the Official Scorer immediately following the game. He shall verify and sign the sheet and return it to the Official Scorer. c) If a Linesman or the other Referee is unable to officiate, the Referee shall have the power to appoint a replacement if he deems it necessary. b) The Referee shall report on the official game sheet immediately following the game giving full details to the Proper Authorities for all: 1. Game Misconduct penalties d) If the appointed official reappears during the progress of the game, he shall replace the temporary official at once. The Referee and Linesmen shall remain on the ice at the conclusion of each period and at the end of the game until all of the players have left the ice and are proceeding to their dressing rooms. THE GAME The Referee shall have general supervision of the game, full control of game officials and players, and his decision shall be final in case of any dispute. Before starting the game the Referee shall assure that the appointed officials are in their respective places and satisfy himself that the timing and signalling equipment are in order. He shall order the teams on the ice at the appointed time for the beginning of each period. A4.5 - THREE MAN SYSTEM - REFEREE DUTIES DURING THE GAME a) The Referee shall impose and report to the Scorekeeper such penalties as are prescribed by the playing rules. He shall allow the goals scored. b) The Referee may consult with the Linesmen, Goal Judge and Video Goal Judge, if available, in matters of disputed goals before making his decision, which shall be final. c) He shall report to the Scorekeeper the number of the goal scorer and any player(s) entitled to assists. In top category IIHF Championships and the Olympic Winter Games, assists shall be awarded by the Scorekeeper. 112 GAME 2. Match penalties 3. Report to the Proper Authorities any incident that happens before, during and after the game. A4.3 - THREE MAN SYSTEM A4.4 - THREE MAN SYSTEM - REFEREE DUTIES BEFORE AFTER THE A4.7 - LINESMEN DUTIES a) The Linesmen shall determine and stop the play by blowing the whistle for any infraction of the rules concerning: 1. Offside 2. Icing 3. Puck out of bounds, unplayable or interfered by an ineligible person 4. Goal displaced from its normal position 5. Encroachments occurring during a face-off 6. Premature substitution of the goalkeeper 7. Interference by spectators 8. Injured players 9. Pass with the hand from a player to a teammate 10. High sticking the puck b) The linesman shall blow the whistle in case of a hand pass or high sticking the puck if it is obvious that the Referee did not observe the infraction. c) The Linesman shall only blow the whistle and report to the Referee penalties concerning: 1. Too many players on the ice. 2. Sticks or anything thrown on the ice from the vicinity of the player or penalty benches. d) The Linesman shall report to the referee when requested to do so by the Referee and give his version of any incident that may have taken place during the playing of the game. 113