IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 56

Rulebook 102_127.qxp 9/29/2010 3:07 PM Page 3 - 06:00 - 05:00 GOALS AND ASSISTS: "GOAL FOR TEAM…. (Name of the team), SCORED BY NUMBER..., (Name), ASSISTED BY NUMBER...., (Name) AND NUMBER...., (Name).TIME..." PENALTIES: "TEAM…. (Name of the team), NUMBER…, (NAME) 2 MINUTES PENALTY FOR…. (PENALTY REASON).TIME…." 1. The penalty of the visiting team shall be announced first. Teams enter the ice surface. - 03:15 ANNOUNCEMENTS: Teams leave their dressing rooms and go directly to the ice. Referee and Linesmen enter the ice. International TV signal starts (Opening animation) - 04:00 (See also IIHF Public Announcer Handbook and IIHF Off Ice Official Handbook). Teams are advised that they have one minute remaining until they need to proceed to the ice. Referee and Linesmen leave their dressing room and go immediately to the ice. The Referee and Linesmen are standing in the Referee’s Crease. - 02:50 Official Announcer introduces the Referee and Linesmen. - 02:30 Both teams line-up on their respective blue lines. - 02:00 Team Captains greet the Referee and Linesmen in the Referee’s Crease. - 01:00 Teams leave the ice to the players' benches. Starting players remain on the ice. - 00:15 Referee calls the teams to center ice for the opening face-off. - 00:00 Opening face-off. 2. In a case where the penalized player cannot go to the penalty bench, or in case of goalkeeper penalty: "THE PENALTY IS SERVED BY NUMBER...(NAME)". END OF PENALTIES: End of penalty for Team A (if other penalties are being served that make this team shorthanded): "TEAM (NAME) IS PLAYING AT FULL STRENGTH" or, BOTH TEAMS ARE PLAYING AT FULL STRENGTH" (if no penalties remain for either team). REVIEW BY VIDEO GOAL JUDGE: "PLAY IS BEING REVIEWED". In case goal is given: Announcement for "Goal Scored" In case no goal is given: "NO GOAL HAS BEEN SCORED". ANNEX 3 - OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS A3.1 - COMPULSORY ANNOUNCEMENTS The following announcements are compulsory for the information of players, Coaches Referees and spectators: 1. Goals and Assists 2. Penalties 3. End of Penalties 4. Play Reviewed by the Video Goal Judge 5. Time-out TIME OUT: "TIME OUT FOR TEAM …. (NAME OF THE TEAM) ""TIME OUT IS OVER". 6. Time Remaining in Periods/Game