IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 45

554 - DELAYING 554a) - KEEPING THE GAME THE PUCK IN MOTION a) The puck shall be kept in motion at all times. A team in possession of the puck in its own defending zone shall advance the puck towards the opposing goal except: 1. To carry the puck behind his goal once 2. If it is prevented to do so by players of the opposing team 3. If the team is short-handed. b) A player beyond his defending zone shall not pass or carry the puck backward into his defending zone for the purpose of delaying the game, except when his team is shorthanded. For the first infraction, the referee shall assess a: KEEPING THE PUCK IN MOTION Warning to the Captain of the offending team. For the second infraction, during the same period, the offending player shall be assessed a: Minor penalty (2’) c) Any player or goalkeeper who holds or plays the puck with his stick, skates or body along the boards in such a manner to cause a stoppage of play, unless he is actually checked by an opponent, shall be assessed a: Minor penalty 554b) - DISPLACING THE (2’) GOAL FRAME a) A player or goalkeeper who deliberately displaces a goal frame from its normal position shall be assessed a: Minor penalty (2’) b) If it happens during the last two minutes of the game, or at any time in overtime, by a defending player or goalkeeper in his defending zone the Referee shall award to the non-offending team a: Penalty Shot (PS) c) If a player or goalkeeper deliberately displaces a goal frame from its normal position when an opponent is in control of the puck with no opposition between him and the goalkeeper, and with a reasonable opportunity to score, the Referee shall award to the non-offending team a: Penalty Shot GOAL FRAME DISPLACED (PS) d) If, when a goalkeeper has been removed from the ice, a player of his team displaces NEW the goal frame from its normal position when an opponent is in control of the puck with no opposition between him and the goal, the Referee shall award to the non offending team a: Goal 88 89