IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 44

The player's gloves and stick shall be delivered to him at the penalty bench by a teammate g) If an identified player who is off the ice throws a stick or any other object on to the play- NEW ing surface from the player's bench or from the penalty bench, he shall be assessed a: Minor penalty + Automatic Game Misconduct penalty (2’+GM) h) If an unidentified player who is off the ice throws a stick or any other object on to the NEW playing surface from the player's bench or from the penalty bench, his team shall be assessed a: Bench Minor penalty 5 5 1 - A B U S E OF O F F I C I A L S T EAM O F F I C I A L S (2’) AND U NSPORTSMANLIKE C ONDUCT B Y a) If any team official: 1. Uses obscene, profane or abusive language to any official or any person. 2. Interferes in any manner with any of the officials of the game. 3. Bangs the boards with a stick or other object at any time. his team shall be assessed a: Bench Minor penalty (2’) b) If he persists, or if he is guilty of any type of misconduct he shall be assessed a: Game Misconduct penalty (GM) c) A team official who uses or makes any racial remark or ethnic slur shall be assessed a: Game Misconduct penalty (GM) d) If any team official: 1. Holds or strikes an official. 2. Makes a travesty of or is detrimental to the conducting of the game. 3. Makes any obscene gesture to any official or any person. 4. Spits at a game official. he shall be assessed a: Match penalty (MP) e) If an identified team official throws a stick or any other object on to the playing surface from his player's bench he shall be assessed a: Game Misconduct penalty And his team a: Bench Minor penalty (GM) (2’) f) If an unidentified team official throws a stick or any other object onto the playing surface from his player's bench his team shall be assessed a: Bench Minor penalty 86 (2’) 87