IIHF Rule Book 2010 | Page 38

530 - HIGH STICKING a) A player who carries or holds his stick or any part of it above the height of his shoulders that makes contact with an opponent shall be assessed, at the discretion of the Referee, a: Minor penalty or Major penalty + Automatic Game Misconduct penalty or (5’+GM) Match penalty HIGH STICKING SIGNAL RULE 530 (2’) (MP) b) A player who carries or holds his stick or any part of it above the height of the shoulders that makes contact with an opponent and causes an injury with his stick or any part of it to an opponent shall be assessed at the discretion of the Referee a: HIGH STICKING Cradling the puck on the blade of the stick (like lacrosse) above the normal height of the shoulders shall be prohibited and a stoppage of play shall result. If this is done by a player on a Penalty Shot or a Game Winning Shot, the play will be immediately blown dead by the Referee and the play will be considered complete Major penalty + Automatic Game Misconduct penalty or (5’+GM) Match penalty (MP) c) However, if the high sticking action that caused the injury was judged accidental, the offending player shall be assessed a: Double Minor penalty 531 - HOLDING AN (2’+2’) OPPONENT A player who holds an opponent with his hands or stick or in any other way shall be assessed a: Minor penalty (2’) 532 - HOLDING HOLDING SIGNAL RULE 531 HOLDING THE STICK A player who holds an opponent's stick with his hands or in any other way shall be assessed a: Minor penalty (2’) HOLDING THE STICK SIGNAL RULE 532 (Two Stage Signal) 533 - HOOKING a) A player who impedes or seeks to impede the progress of an opponent by hooking him with his stick shall be assessed at the discretion of the Referee a: Minor penalty or Major penalty + Automatic Game Misconduct penalty or Match penalty 74 72 HOLDING THE (2’) (5’+GM) (MP) STICK 75